
  • Lícia Mara Marinho da Silva Universidad Nacional de Rosario- Argentina
  • Vicente Brandão Filho Universidade do Estado da Bahia




Field education. alternation pedagogy. Territory. Escuela Familia Agrícola.


The objective of this work is to characterize the functional structure of the existing rural schools in the territory of the San Francisco Valley, based on bibliographic research and reading of documents prepared by the State Department of Education of Bahia. The following official documents were analyzed: operational guidelines for rural education in Brazil, national curricula references for rural education and the debate on operational guidelines for education in Bahia. In addition to recent scientific articles that address the pedagogy of alternance in rural schools. According to state classification, in Bahia, the following types of Schools operate in the countryside: schools for agricultural families; quilombola schools, state agrotechnical schools, called CEETEPs – Territorial State Educational Center and agrarian reform settlement schools. In this study, it is possible to observe an innovation in professional training, which consists in the elaboration and execution of the studies of the professional project of the youth - PPJ, being recognized in the Agrícolas-Efa's family schools, as a pedagogical instrument and for the subjects as a life project, which work with the pedagogy of alternation. In this line are the Escuela Familia Agrícola de Sobradinho, in the municipality of Sobradinho-Ba, and the Escuela Familia Agrícola de Monte Santo, in Monte Santo-Ba. And the school of the municipal public network, ERUM-Escuela Rural de Massaroca, in Juazeiro-BA. This school works as a model for the pedagogy of alternation, where the students spend an academic period with directed studies at the school, and another part of the activity at home, on their property. This educational model for the hombre del campo, represents the rescue of the culture and the meaning of the experience in the field with dignity, so that its students can see the place from their reality, being able to acquire significant knowledge and be practiced in their property or community, promoting the transformation of its media. The Pedagogy of Alternation, contributes to this principle of field education, to propose in its guidelines an articulation between theory and practice, through the alternation of the pedagogical time: sometimes in the middle school and sometimes in the middle school family.

Author Biographies

Lícia Mara Marinho da Silva, Universidad Nacional de Rosario- Argentina

Doctoranda en Educación por la UNR -Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina. Mestre Engenharia de Alimentos pela UFSC, Univ. Federal de Santa Catarina. E- mail: liciamara2010@hotmail.com.

Vicente Brandão Filho, Universidade do Estado da Bahia

Professor do Cursos de Ciências Contábeis da UNEB- Universidade do Estado da Bahia. 




How to Cite

Silva, L. M. M. da ., & Brandão Filho, V. . (2022). TYPOLOGY OF RURAL SCHOOLS IN THE TERRITORY OF THE SAN FRANCISCO VALLE IN BAHIA/ BRAZIL. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 8(8), 133–138. https://doi.org/10.51891/rease.v8i8.6632