
  • Jorge Alberto dos Santos Consultor Independente



TIC. Native digital students. Teacher role.


Based on the assumption that ICT - Information Communication Technology is present in the daily life of modern society and considering that it can be perceived in the school environment, a questioning emerged: What are the challenges that digital native students take to school given to perspective of the teacher? Based on the current moment when digital technologies are moving towards contemporary society, we believe that the tools and services offered by ICT for the school context deserve greater attention and research. Thus, the evolution of the history of informatics and ICTs, the role of the teacher in the school context, the native digital students as well as the use of the internet in schools, were verified to give an overview of how these elements are organizing in the educational space. For this, academic researches in books, scientific articles and interviews with teachers of a public school of the Federal District were made with the focus of investigating the possible challenges that the native digital students take to the school. Three categories of analysis were developed: ICT tools, service provider and improvement. The results obtained with the research made it possible to identify that there are challenges to be overcome by the teachers in their pedagogical activities, among them that of assuming the role of "filtering" the information accessed from the technological devices of the students or from the school itself in the environment of teaching. Finally, I understand the need for better teacher attention to the use of ICT resources in school.


Author Biography

Jorge Alberto dos Santos, Consultor Independente

Professor Mestre de Graduação e Pós-Graduação na modalidade presencial e EAD em Faculdades Particulares de Brasília e Centro Universitário, Pós-Graduado em Governança de TI, Graduado em Administração de Empresas. Instrutor de Cursos Técnicos de Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação. Palestrante em eventos sobre de Governança de TI. Atuante como Gerente de Projetos de TI certificado PMP e Prince2, Consultor de Governança de TI em uma empresa no ramo de tecnologia da informação. Vivência na área de Administração de Empresas, Gestão de Processos de TI, Gestão de Equipe, Desenvolvimento Profissional, Planejamento Estratégico e Mapeamento e Melhoria de Processos. Experiência e atuação na área de Infraestrutura de TI em várias organizações do mercado de Brasília. Pesquisador e incentivador de metodologias para gestão humanizada de pessoas e de ferramentas tecnológicas para apoio ao ensino. E-mail:



How to Cite

Santos, J. A. dos . (2021). CHALLENGES NATIVE DIGITAL STUDENTS TAKE TO SCHOOL: TEACHER REPORTS. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 7(2), 23.