
  • Thayane de Almeida Moura Faculdade Santa Maria
  • Jéssica Alves Moreira Faculdade Santa Maria
  • Pierri Emanoel de Abreu Oliveira Faculdade Santa Maria
  • Alexsandra Laurindo Leite Faculdade Santa Maria



Influence. Media. Aesthetics. Bodily or physical appearance.


INTRODUCTION: Beauty standards are linked to sociocultural values, the way in which the cult of certain beauty standards is adhered to in society can cause serious complications for the health of people that lead women to depreciation for not being adequate in the model that is imposed. , keeping them always in conflict with the mirror, confined in this world that is always to be with the body model seen as beautiful by society. It is also noteworthy that a large part of the female sex watches television and has some occupation, and in terms of body image they feel dissatisfied with their weight, these women seek methods such as diet to lose weight, and some undergo plastic surgery, for these women the influence of the media. METHODOLOGY: The Integrative Literature Review where the search for articles will be carried out, in the following databases: Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO) and Online System for Search and Analysis of Medical Literature (MEDLINE). For the research, the descriptors Descriptors in Health Sciences (DeCS) were used: Aesthetics; Body image; Beauty standards; Brazilian women, where the descriptors will be crossed in the databases using the Boolean operator AND (Aesthetics AND Body image AND Beauty standards AND Brazilian women). RESULTS: The search found 20 articles in the LILACS database, 21 in PEDro, 77 in MEDLINE and 22 in PubMed, after applying filters to delimit the period of publication of the last six years, 80 articles remained, 8 articles in the LILACS, 10 articles in PEDro, 52 in MEDLINE and 10 in PubMed and of these 6 articles were selected to compose the integrative review. DISCUSSION: The stereotype of beauty, the rules that can guarantee the health of the body and the various techniques that everyone can use to manage the proper deformation of their image, are continually disseminated and used as an aesthetic reference, contemporary times demand that people change their appearance to adapt to the standards of the media, which is related to the cult of the body. CONCLUSION: As it was denoted in this article, there are several stereotypes of female beauty since society revolves around the propagation of information and concepts propagated by the media, and the media well influenced incessantly the search for a beauty considered the ideal, leading to a exaggerated consumption of beauty products and practices that lead them to achieve such demands and thereby transforming their identities in the name of the beauty demanded by Society.

Author Biographies

Thayane de Almeida Moura, Faculdade Santa Maria

Graduanda do Curso de Bacharelado em Biomedicina da Faculdade Santa Maria-FSM. E-mail:

Jéssica Alves Moreira, Faculdade Santa Maria

Possui graduação de Bacharelado em Biomedicina UNILEÃO (2011). Mestranda em Ciências da Reabilitação (UNISUAM-RJ). Especialista em Docência do Ensino Superior (FSM - PB). Atualmente é professora titular do Curso de Biomedicina da Faculdade Santa Maria de Cajazeiras.

Pierri Emanoel de Abreu Oliveira, Faculdade Santa Maria

Coordenador do Curso de Bacharelado em Biomedicina da Faculdade Santa Maria (2020 - atual). Doutorando em Desenvolvimento e Inovação Tecnológica em Medicamentos - UFPB (2022 - atual). Mestre em Biologia Celular e Molecular pela Universidade Federal da Paraíba - UFPB (2022). Pós-graduado (especialização) em Hematologia Clínica pela UNILEÃO (2021), Pós-graduado (especialização) em Docência do Ensino Superior (2017) e Bacharel em Biomedicina (2015) pela Faculdade Santa Maria de Cajazeiras - PB

Alexsandra Laurindo Leite, Faculdade Santa Maria

Possui graduação em Biomedicina (Centro Universitário Doutor Leão Sampaio,2009). Atualmente é responsável técnica no laboratório de analises clinicas da empresa Instituto Madre Teresa de Apoio a Vida Dep.Welington Landim. Docente do Curso de Graduação em Biomedicina da Faculdade Santa Maria (FSM/PB) de Cajazeiras. Tem experiência na área de Análises Clínicas com ênfase em Hematologia e citopatologia clínica.



How to Cite

Moura, T. de A. ., Moreira, J. A. ., Oliveira, P. E. de A. ., & Leite, A. L. . (2022). AESTHETICS AND ITS INFLUENCE ON THE BODY IMAGE OF BRAZILIANS. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 8(5), 211–222.