
  • Tainã Brito de Abreu Estácio de Macapá
  • Maria das Graças Teles Martins UNIFESP



Suicidal ideation. Human development. Adolescence. Psychology. Cognitive behavioral thera.


INTRODUCTION: Suicide is a serious public health problem worldwide due to its growth in the younger population. This shows greater vulnerability of this age group in the face of social and family changes that accompany the emotional, relational, affective, cultural and economic instability of our days, especially in this world historical moment in which the Covid-19 epidemic is experienced. OBJECTIVE: To verify the presence of suicidal ideation in adolescents aged 15 to 17 years old from two public and private schools in the city of Macapá; to identify possible factors for the presence of suicidal ideation in adolescents; to compare the presence of suicidal ideation in adolescents from public and private schools; and to point out the contributions of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in the prevention and treatment of suicidal ideation. METHODOLOGY: The method used was the field study, of a quantitative and qualitative and exploratory nature. The instruments were a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Beck Suicidal Ideation Scale (BSI) and the Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS). RESULTS: Data were analyzed by calculating frequencies. Of the 60 adolescents in the sample, 46.7% had suicidal ideation, 39.3% from the public network and 60.7% from the private network. The variables most associated with suicidal ideation were in females: lack of good relationship with parents and other family members, knowing someone who has attempted suicide, alcohol consumption and hopelessness. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: The data found emphasize the importance of discussing the subject and of having preventive and interventional actions in suicidal ideation. The contributions of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy presents itself as an effective alternative for the healthy cognitive and behavioral development of adolescents, helping them to cognitive restructuring, resignification, self-perception, self-concept, self-analysis, thus making thoughts and behaviors more functional and adaptive. It seeks to broaden the teenager's interpretations of situations, teaching problem-solving skills and searching for reasons to live. The importance of the role of parents and family at this stage of development is highlighted, as stable and secure relationships with the family are important for the mental health of adolescents, emphasizing that the family nucleus that facilitates emotional growth and promotes health is not the one with the absence of conflicts, but those that allow the expression of different emotions, seeking alternatives for the solution of their conflicts.

Author Biographies

Tainã Brito de Abreu, Estácio de Macapá

Psicóloga (Formação: Estácio de Macapá/SEAMA); psicóloga do Centro de Referência Especializado de Assistência Social - CREAS Cidadania Zona Sul (na prefeitura de Macapá); psicóloga na PodoSports -Clinica de Fisioterapia e reabilitação; Pós-graduanda em Neuropsicologia (pela IPOG). E-mail:

Maria das Graças Teles Martins, UNIFESP

Psicóloga.  Mestre em saúde coletiva (UNIFESP); Mestre em Ciências da Educação (ULHT-Portugal); Esp. em Terapia Cognitivo Comportamental (IFAP); Esp. em Sexualidade Humana (UFPB); Esp. em Psicologia da saúde, Desenvolvimento e hospitalização (UFRN); vice-delegada da Sociedade Brasileira de Terapias Cognitivas no Amapá; Supervisora clínica e docente da Faculdade Estácio de Macapá (AP). E-mail: Currículo Lattes: Endereço para acessar este CV: ID Lattes: 8591337751095034.



How to Cite

Abreu, T. B. de ., & Martins, M. das G. T. . (2022). THE PRESENCE OF SUICIDAL IDEATION IN ADOLESCENTS AND COGNITIVE-BEHAVIORAL THERAPY IN THE INTERVENTION: A FIELD STUDY. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 8(5), 1341–1362.