
  • Turíbio Marques Gonçalves Júnior Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul
  • Bernardo Ricciardi dos Santos Brum Universidade da Região da Campanha
  • João Pedro Andrades Salles Soares Faculdade de Direito de Santa Maria
  • Pedro Antônio Lorentz Martins Faculdade de Direito de Santa Maria
  • Tiago Vargas Guedes Universidade da Região da Campanha
  • Fábio Rafael Corrêa Oliveira Universidade de Franca



Criminology. Criminal Sociology. Macrosociological Theories.


Criminology studies the criminal phenomenon itself, for this it makes use of studies carried out in various branches of knowledge. Among the main areas are biology, psychology and criminal sociology. This is because they are biological, psychological and sociological issues that can explain and, eventually, prevent criminal behavior. In opposition to biology and criminal psychology, the model called Criminal Sociology emerged, according to which it sought to emphasize the importance of the environment or environment in the genesis of criminality, contemplating the criminal event as a social phenomenon and intended to explain it in terms of a certain theoretical framework. This article aimed to understand the conceptual and methodological aspects of the theories that seek to explain criminal behavior, distinguishing the different sociological schools and their relationship with Sociology. The research problem was as follows: What are the conceptual and methodological aspects of sociological theories that seek to explain criminal behavior? And what is your relationship with Sociology? As specific objectives, we sought to: gather information on the following topics: criminology; criminal sociology; macrosociological theories under consensual and conflict approaches; understand the conceptual and methodological aspects of theories that seek to explain criminal behavior; distinguish the different sociological schools and relate them to Sociology. The method used was inductive, based on bibliographic research, as well as on works by the main criminological and macro-sociological authors such as Penteado Filho; Schecaira; Zaffaroni; Becker; Gomes, among others. In general terms, it was in this universe that the research was developed, seeking to understand the conceptual and methodological aspects of the theories, distinguishing the different sociological schools and relating them to Sociology. In this study, it was possible to identify and reaffirm the importance of the study of criminology together with sociology, important for all those who cooperate in the prevention of crime and in the treatment of criminals, that is, politicians, magistrates, police, prosecutors, lawyers, public defenders, jurists, professors, among others. There is also the advancement of social sciences and new legal sciences, increasingly concerned with social and human problems.

Author Biographies

Turíbio Marques Gonçalves Júnior, Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul

Graduado em Relações Internacionais pela Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul (UNISC). Pós-graduado em Gestão de Segurança Pública pela UniBF. Policial Penal da SUSEPE/RS.

Bernardo Ricciardi dos Santos Brum, Universidade da Região da Campanha

Graduado em Educação Física pela Universidade da Região da Campanha (URCAMP). Pós-Graduado em Gestão de Segurança Pública pela UniBF. Policial Penal da SUSEPE/RS.

João Pedro Andrades Salles Soares, Faculdade de Direito de Santa Maria

Graduado em Direito pela Faculdade de Direito de Santa Maria (FADISMA). Pós-graduado em Gestão Penitenciária pela Faveni. Pós-graduado em Gestão em Segurança Pública pela Intervale. Pós-graduando em Direito Ambiental pela Intervale. Pós-graduando em Direito Administrativo e Econômico pela Intervale. Pós-graduando em Direito Agrário e Ambiental pela Verbo Jurídico. Policial Penal da SUSEPE/RS.

Pedro Antônio Lorentz Martins, Faculdade de Direito de Santa Maria

Graduado em Direito pela Faculdade de Direito de Santa Maria (FADISMA). Pós-Graduado em Inteligência Policial pela Faveni. Policial Penal da SUSEPE/RS.

Tiago Vargas Guedes, Universidade da Região da Campanha

Graduado em Administração de Empresas pela Universidade da Região da Campanha (URCAMP). Pós-graduado em Segurança Pública pela Faveni. Policial Penal da SUSEPE/RS.

Fábio Rafael Corrêa Oliveira , Universidade de Franca

Graduado em Gestão Pública pela Universidade de Franca (UNIFRAN). Pós-graduado em Gestão Pública pela UNIFRAN. Policial Penal da SUSEPE/RS.



How to Cite

Gonçalves Júnior, T. M. . ., Brum, B. R. dos S. ., Soares, J. P. A. S. ., Martins, P. A. L. ., Guedes, T. V. ., & Oliveira , F. R. C. . (2022). CRIMINOLOGY X SOCIOLOGY: AN ANALYSIS OF THE MACROSOCIOLOGICAL EXPLANATORY THEORIES OF CRIME AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP WITH SOCIOLOGY. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 8(2), 359–372.