
  • Mara Alice Braulio Costa Must University
  • Paula da Silva Guedes Must University
  • Rosane Saraiva Guerra Must University



Distance Education. New Technologies. Internet.


In recent decades, with the advent of the internet, EAD - Distance Education gained a relevant prominence due to the possibilities of teacher versus student, student versus student interaction. This interaction between peers was possible via chats, forums (with thematic discussions), video calls, video conferences, meetings mediated via platforms such as Meet, Zoom, among others, thanks to the possibility of using New Information and Communication Technologies - NTIC's. However, even with all these possibilities of interaction and communication, the challenges in offering a quality course remain, since they pervade several points that require the attention of those who seek this type of education. Among these challenges, we can point out some such as: composing the instructional design, the professional prepared in front of this construction (the instructional designer), the multidisciplinary team that will take the project off paper and make it real, the teachers, the tutors, the equipment , students' lack of Internet access to take advantage of distance learning courses, lack of knowledge in basic information technology, difficulties in staying motivated and disciplined, lack of technological training for teachers when using digital platforms. It can be said that there is a range of devices needed for consistent improvements in distance learning, but among all the challenges listed, the main one cannot be left out, the distance learning student, what is their student profile and how much autonomy he needs to succeed on his learning trajectory.

Author Biographies

Mara Alice Braulio Costa, Must University

Graduação: Pedagogia Graduação: Letras-Português/Inglês. Pós Graduação Lato Senso:Gestão Escolar: Orientação e Supervisão. Pós Graduação Lato Senso: Tecnologias e Educação a Distância. Pós Graduação Stricto Sendo: Mestranda em Tecnologias Emergentes em Educação pela Must University.

Paula da Silva Guedes, Must University

Graduação: Pedagogia - Centro Universitário Maurício de Nassau (UNINASSAU). Pós- Graduação Lato Senso: Psicopedagogia Institucional, Clínica e Educação Especial - Faculdade Venda Nova do Imigrante (FAVENI). Pós- Graduanda em: Docência do ensino superior e EJA- Faculdade de Minas. (FACUMINAS. Pós- Graduanda em: Educação infantil e Letramento - Faculdade de Minas (FACUMINAS). Pós- Graduação Stricto Senso: Mestranda em Tecnologias Emergentes em Educação pela Must University.

Rosane Saraiva Guerra, Must University

Graduação: Licenciatura em Geografia - Universidade Estadual do Maranhão (UEMA). Pós-Graduação Lato Senso: Metodologia Inovadoras Aplicadas à Educação: Ensino de Ciências Humanas - Instituto de Ensino Superior Franciscano (IESF). Pós-graduação Strictu Senso: Mestranda em Tecnologia Emergentes em Educação pela Must University.



How to Cite

Costa, M. A. B. ., Guedes, P. da S. ., & Guerra, R. S. . (2021). DESAFIOS DA EDUCAÇÃO A DISTÂNCIA ON-LINE. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 7(9), 766–776.