
  • Karen de Almeida Paiva Lamego Universidade Estácio de Sá
  • Isolda Cecilia Bravin Universidade Estácio de Sá


Early childhood education. Early childhood. Racial inequality. Equity


The present work has the theme of racial inequality in early childhood. Where it aims to discuss structural racism in early childhood education, assuming that the discussion of racial issues in early childhood education is of great value for the integrity in the formation of the individual. The focus of the study is to demonstrate that from the pregnancy of the black and peripheral child to the admission to the day care center and EDI there is inequity. The referred work will highlight, laws regulated with the theme in order to establish historical reparation for the black, brown and indigenous population, can assist the professional of early childhood education in approaching their practice in the classroom. This very sensitive and highly impactful theme, when experienced in a structurally unequal way with regard to different treatments, due to differences in racial and socioeconomic issues, can lead to inequality in the process experiencing by the child where this first understanding of the world occurs in early childhood education. It is necessary that the professional of early childhood education has knowledge of how to conduct at this stage of the child's life this subject that is so expensive for the formation and construction of the individual and the whole society.


Author Biographies

Karen de Almeida Paiva Lamego, Universidade Estácio de Sá

Estudante de pedagogia, educadora social na escola Quilombista Dandara dos Palmares, educadora no Movimento- Infância in Natura, idealizadora do projeto de musicalização infantil- Cirandeiras Companhia de artes e pesquisadora da primeira infância Negra e suas especificidades.

Isolda Cecilia Bravin, Universidade Estácio de Sá

Mestrado em Biotecnologia Vegetal pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (2001) e doutorado em Biotecnologia Vegetal pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (2005). Atualmente é tutora do Núcleo de Ensino à Distância (NEAD), faz parte da Equipe de Coordenação do Curso de Pedagogia EaD, da Universidade Estácio de Sá, bem como professora de pós-graduação nessa Instituição e pertencente ao Núcleo Docente Estruturante (NDE) dos cursos de Gestão Ambiental e Pedagogia.



How to Cite

de Almeida Paiva Lamego, K., & Bravin, I. C. . (2020). DESIGUALDADE RACIAL NA PRIMEIRA INFÂNCIA: Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 6(11), 42–52. Retrieved from