Flipped classroom. Full-time education. Active methodologies. Pedagogical transformation. Educational innovation.Abstract
Contemporary education faces the challenge of promoting teaching that not only informs, but also forms critical, participatory citizens capable of transforming society. In this context, active methodologies emerge as an effective response to the demands of an education that is inclusive, dynamic and capable of generating significant results. Active methodologies place the student at the center of the learning process, encouraging them to be the protagonists of their knowledge. They are pedagogical strategies that seek, in a practical and innovative way, to involve students in a more active and participatory way. However, the implementation of active methodologies will go beyond a change in teaching practices. They require a paradigm shift that considers the diverse needs of students, supporting their differences and promoting an inclusive environment. A truly inclusive education must respect and value the uniqueness of each student, creating conditions so that everyone, regardless of their social, cultural, physical or cognitive conditions, has access to knowledge in an equitable manner. In this sense, active methodologies are configured as powerful tools to promote inclusion in the school environment. By prioritizing collaborative teaching, the use of digital technologies, project-based learning and other innovative practices, these methodologies create more democratic and accessible learning spaces. They provide more flexible teaching, capable of responding to different learning rhythms and styles, ensuring that all students develop their skills in a meaningful way.
The role of the educator also changes in this new scenario. Instead of being the sole transmitter of knowledge, the teacher becomes a facilitator, guide and mediator of the learning process. By adopting active methodologies, the educator is challenged to compensate for their practice, to continually train themselves and to be more creative and innovative in their approaches. The proposal is for the teacher to help students engage in activities that stimulate reflection, problem-solving and the construction of knowledge.
The transformation of teaching through active methodologies does not occur only at the pedagogical level, but also at the social and cultural level. By promoting inclusive education, these methodologies allow all students, regardless of their circumstances, to share their experiences, learn from each other, and develop skills for coexistence and mutual respect. In this way, active methodologies are not only useful for students’ academic development, but also for their development as more aware citizens who are prepared for the challenges of the contemporary world.
This e-book aims to explore active methodologies as pedagogical strategies capable of promoting inclusive and transformative education. Throughout the chapters, we will discuss how these methodologies can be applied in a practical way in schools, considering the particularities of each context and the needs of students. We hope that, at the end of the book, educators and educational managers will feel inspired to adopt and adapt these practices, contributing to the construction of a more inclusive and equitable education.
Education should be the practice of freedom, not oppression. (Paulo Freire)
Enjoy reading!
Silvana Maria Aparecida Viana Santos
Silvanete Cristo Viana
Cleberson Cordeiro de Moura

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