
  • Maria Gorette da Silva Veni Creator Christian University
  • André Neres de Lima Veni Creator Christian University




Textual genres. Portuguese language. Teaching-learning.


This work defends the use of textual genres for the acquisition and construction of linguistic and non-linguistic knowledge in Portuguese language learning, in the student's school life. They serve as a support and pedagogical tool in the teacher's conscious posture, for the formation of values ​​not merely in classroom activities, but also in decision-making for conflict resolution, promoting experiences to enrich the skills and competences of students. This research has a bibliographic character, and shows the theoretical basis through consultations to several books by renowned authors on the subject under study. It is based on the use of textual genres, because with them, its users build views of the world, stimulating a taste for reading and writing. The genres also contribute to the reflection on Language, interaction of social practices, the rise of the individual to various forms of communication. Through these uses in a procedural and progressive way, the student will open new horizons, build knowledge, thus writing their citizenship.


Author Biographies

Maria Gorette da Silva, Veni Creator Christian University

Graduada em Letras, pela Faculdade de formação de Professores da Mata Sul (FAMASUL), Pós-Graduada em Metodologia em Língua Portuguesa e Língua Estrangeira, pela UNINTER, Pós-Graduanda em Ciências da Educação, pela Veni Creator Christian University. E-mail: mgorettesv@gmail.com.

André Neres de Lima, Veni Creator Christian University

Graduado em Pedagogia pela Universidade de Pernambuco (UPE), Especializado em Educação de Jovens e Adultos, pelo Instituto Federal de Pernambuco (IFPE), Pós-Graduando em Ciências da Educação pela Veni Creator Christian University. E-mail: andreneres1985@gmail.com.



How to Cite

Silva, M. G. da, & Lima, A. N. de . (2021). GÊNEROS TEXTUAIS: IMPRESCINDÍVEIS NO ENSINO-APRENDIZAGEM. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 7(7), 625–640. https://doi.org/10.51891/rease.v7i7.1711