
  • Mônica de Azevedo Lima Moreira Must University
  • Cláudia Márcia Ferreira Marangone Universidade Castelo Branco
  • Jaqueline Martins Coleta da Silva Faculdade Faveni
  • Márcia Cristina Matos Louzada Universidade Castelo Branco
  • Reginalda Côgo Faculdade Europeia de Vitória- FAEV
  • Síntia de Azevedo Lima Faculdade  de Vitória



Distance Education. Educational Challenges. Interaction and Engagement.


Distance education (EaD) has expanded rapidly, offering flexibility and accessibility, but also presenting a series of challenges and opportunities for both students and teachers. Based on this assumption, this paper was prepared with the theme Challenges and opportunities in distance education: student and teacher perspectives, with the aim of analyzing the main difficulties faced by both groups, such as time management, the need for self-discipline on the part of students and the adaptation of teachers to new technologies and teaching methods. In addition, the opportunities provided by distance learning will be explored, including the personalization of learning, access to a wider range of educational resources and the possibility of global interaction. The research aims to provide insights into how institutions can better support students and faculty in maximizing the benefits of distance education, while minimizing the obstacles associated with this teaching modality. The option was to carry out bibliographical research aimed at collecting relevant data and information on this topic, which had already been published in articles, books and other sources.

Author Biographies

Mônica de Azevedo Lima Moreira, Must University

Mestranda em Tecnologias Emergentes da Educação, Must University (MUST).

Cláudia Márcia Ferreira Marangone, Universidade Castelo Branco

Pós-graduação em Gestão escolar integradora: supervisão, Orientação  e Inspeção Educacional, Universidade Castelo Branco.

Jaqueline Martins Coleta da Silva, Faculdade Faveni

Pós-graduação em Alfabetização e Letramento, Faculdade Faveni.   

Márcia Cristina Matos Louzada, Universidade Castelo Branco

Pós-graduação em Gestão escolar integradora: supervisão, Orientação  e Inspeção Educacional, Universidade Castelo Branco.

Reginalda Côgo, Faculdade Europeia de Vitória- FAEV

Pós-graduação em Alfabetização, Faculdade Europeia de Vitória- FAEV.

Síntia de Azevedo Lima, Faculdade  de Vitória

Pós-graduação em Ensino Religioso, Faculdade  de Vitória.



How to Cite

Moreira, M. de A. L., Marangone, C. M. F., Silva, J. M. C. da, Louzada, M. C. M., Côgo, R., & Lima, S. de A. (2024). CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES IN DISTANCE LEARNING: STUDENT AND TEACHER PERSPECTIVES. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 10(9), 3577–3582.