
  • Mille Anne Ribeiro da Silva Universidad Del Sol
  • Luciana Sousa Teixeira Alarcão Universidad Del Sol
  • Teresa Helena Batelli de Oliveira Universidad Del Sol



Educational neuroscience. Educational technology. Adaptive learning. Pedagogical strategies. Cognitive development.


This article explored the integration of technological innovations supported by neuroscience knowledge in education, aiming to understand how such strategies can enhance student learning and cognitive development. The study employed a bibliographic research methodology, as outlined by Barreto and Honorato (1998), involving the collection of data from already published sources to form a robust theoretical foundation, enabling a deep analysis of the relationships between neuroscience, technology, and educational processes. Several authors were cited, including Federige (2021), who discussed the role of the limbic system in learning, and Raichle (2001), who focused on the function of emotions in forming lasting memories. Other significant studies included those of Santos et al. (2023), arguing for the need for differentiated pedagogical approaches, and Horn and Staker (2015), examining the effectiveness of flexible learning models integrating online and face-to-face teaching. The conclusions of the article highlighted the importance of adapting educational strategies to align with students' neurological and cognitive foundations, using educational technologies to create a more inclusive and effective learning environment. It was emphasized that these technologies not only engage students but also offer new opportunities for developing essential skills in the 21st century.

Author Biographies

Mille Anne Ribeiro da Silva, Universidad Del Sol

Mestranda em Ciências da Educação pela Universidad Del Sol (UNADES).

Luciana Sousa Teixeira Alarcão, Universidad Del Sol

Mestranda em Ciências da Educação pela Universidad Del Sol (UNADES).

Teresa Helena Batelli de Oliveira, Universidad Del Sol

Mestranda em Ciências da Educação pela Universidad Del Sol (UNADES).



How to Cite

Silva, M. A. R. da, Alarcão, L. S. T., & Oliveira, T. H. B. de. (2024). TECHNOLOGY-MEDIATED LEARNING: NEUROSCIENCE PERSPECTIVES ON INTERACTIVE TEACHING. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 10(8), 630–640.