
  • Maria das Graças de Aguiar Damasceno Must University (MUST)
  • Silvana Maria Aparecida Viana Santos Facultad Interamericana de Ciencias Sociales
  • Alberto da Silva Franqueira Must University (MUST)
  • Ana Clara Cristo Fadini Faculdade PIO XII
  • Jéssika de Aguiar Brito FAVENI
  • Silvanete Cristo Viana Universidade Cândido Mendes




Neuroscience . Educational technologies . Adaptive learning . Personalized education


This study investigates how neuroscience and educational technologies can be combined to enhance teaching and learning. Through a comprehensive literature review and a practical case study, the work explores how neuroscientific principles, applied in digital tools such as adaptive learning platforms, educational games, and augmented reality, can increase student engagement and improve academic performance. The methodology included a detailed analysis of relevant articles and the implementation of educational technologies by the startup Fessora, focusing on innovative practices. Fessora hired two teachers to conduct online literacy classes using Google Meet and provided training on the use of technological resources such as interactive whiteboards. Each teacher is responsible for a class of 5 students, aged between 7 and 13 years. The results indicate that despite the challenges in continuous teacher training and the adequacy of technological infrastructure, the integration of these areas offers significant potential to transform education. It is concluded that investing in teacher training, improving technological infrastructure, and developing adequate educational policies are essential steps to prepare students for the challenges of the 21st century, promoting a more effective, dynamic, and inclusive educational system.

Author Biographies

Maria das Graças de Aguiar Damasceno, Must University (MUST)

Mestranda em Tecnologias Emergentes em Educação Must University (MUST).

Silvana Maria Aparecida Viana Santos, Facultad Interamericana de Ciencias Sociales

Doutoranda em Ciências da Educação Facultad Interamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FICS)

Alberto da Silva Franqueira, Must University (MUST)

Mestre em Tecnologias Emergentes na Educação Must University (MUST).

Ana Clara Cristo Fadini, Faculdade PIO XII

Graduanda em Biomedicina, Faculdade PIO XII.

Jéssika de Aguiar Brito, FAVENI

Pós-graduada em Psicopedagogia e Supervisão Escolar Universidade Venda Nova do Imigrante-FAVENI.

Silvanete Cristo Viana, Universidade Cândido Mendes

Especialista em Docência do Ensino em Direitos Humanos, Universidade Cândido Mendes.



How to Cite

Damasceno, M. das G. de A., Santos, S. M. A. V., Franqueira, A. da S., Fadini, A. C. C., Brito, J. de A., & Viana, S. C. (2024). ENHANCED LEARNING: THE CONTRIBUTION OF NEUROSCIENCE AND EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 10(7), 2409–2422. https://doi.org/10.51891/rease.v10i7.14983