
  • Carolina de Souza e Silva
  • Kauã Medeiros Lima
  • Paula Oliveira Silva Universidade Santo Amaro
  • Silvia Helena Modenesi Pucci Universidade Santo Amaro



Insomnia. cognitive-behavioral therapy. CBT.


Insomnia disorder is characterized by dissatisfaction with the quality and quantity of sleep. The most frequent complaints are related to difficulty in initiating or maintaining sleep, presenting clinically significant suffering and/or impairment in social, professional functioning and other important areas of the individual's life. The objectives of this research are to investigate which strategies and/or techniques can be used to manage the symptoms of insomnia disorder. Methodology: Integrative literature review, using the PubMed, VHL and APA indexed database and descriptors: “insomnia” and “cognitive behavioral therapy”. Eligibility criteria were applied, and results articles from the last five years were searched in Portuguese and English. Results: The results found show that sleep hygiene techniques, sleep restriction, among other findings, are strategies used to manage the symptoms of insomnia disorder. Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) can effectively improve the quality of sleep and life of individuals. These findings are consistent with previous research suggesting CBT as a treatment option for insomnia. Conclusion: CBT acts as an adjunct in the process of treating Insomnia Disorder with collaborative techniques. The need for more national publications on the topic was identified.

Author Biographies

Carolina de Souza e Silva

Estudante de graduação do Curso de psicologia.

Kauã Medeiros Lima

Estudante de graduação do Curso de psicologia.

Paula Oliveira Silva, Universidade Santo Amaro

Mestre em Ciências da Saúde FCMSC-SP. Professora e Supervisora da Universidade Santo Amaro/SP, Professora e Supervisora convidada da FCMSC/SP.

Silvia Helena Modenesi Pucci, Universidade Santo Amaro

Doutora em Psicologia da Saúde UMINHO/PT, Mestre pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psiquiatria e Psicologia Médica - UNIFESP. Professora e Supervisora da Universidade Santo Amaro/SP, Professora e Supervisora convidada da FCMSC/SP.



How to Cite

Silva, C. de S. e, Lima, K. M., Silva, P. O., & Pucci, S. H. M. (2024). INSOMNIA AND COGNITIVE-BEHAVIORAL THERAPY. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 10(7), 2567–2583.