
  • Ana Clécia Santana d e Sousa Veni Creator Christian University- USA
  • Silvania Lima da Silva Veni Creator Christian University- USA
  • Maria Pricila Miranda dos Santos Veni Creator Christian University- USA



Technologies. Teacher. Transformations. Education. Learnin


This research aimed to identify the facilities and/or difficulties encountered by educators in integrating new technological resources as practices in the teaching and learning process in everyday school life. It is formulated by a comprehensive study of a descriptive and qualitative nature, based on the importance of Information and Communication Technologies - ICTs as elements of great value to be associated with the teaching/learning process, Final Years of Elementary School and Secondary Education. From this perspective, in order to address the highlighted theme, this work discusses the importance of using technologies in the classroom and their contributions to the development of learning. A priori, it brings a brief reflection on education during the pandemic period, with an emphasis on the educational transformations arising from this period, discussing the predominant impasses and challenges among educators, highlighting teacher training as the key to the success of quality education , mainly reporting the trajectory of the insertion of information technology in education and its entire improvement process. Implying benefits for the educational environment if there is a good relationship between education and technology. It also consists of an analysis of the importance of a good relationship between educators and technologies. In order to address the issue, two Education professionals who worked during and after the pandemic were interviewed using questionnaires, reporting the transformations they experienced in their area of ​​activity.

Author Biographies

Ana Clécia Santana d e Sousa, Veni Creator Christian University- USA

Graduada em Licenciatura plena em História pela Faculdade de Formação de Professores de Afogados da Ingazeira–PE. FAFOPAI. Especialista em Metodologia do Ensino de História e Geografia pela UNINTER e em Docência e prática da História do Brasil pela Faculdade FOCUS. Mestranda em Ciências da Educação pela Veni Creator Christian University. Professora Estatutária do Ensino Fundamental Anos Finais.

Silvania Lima da Silva, Veni Creator Christian University- USA

Graduada em Licenciatura Plena em História, pelas Faculdades Integradas de Patos-FIP. Graduanda em Pedagogia pela Cruzeiro do Sul. Pós-graduação em Metodologia do Ensino de História e Geografia, Pós-graduação em Psicopedagogia Clinica e Institucional, pela Faculdade Venda Nova do Imigrante. Mestranda em Ciências da Educação pela Veni Creator Christian University. Professora Estatutária do Ensino Fundamental Anos Finais.


Maria Pricila Miranda dos Santos, Veni Creator Christian University- USA

3Doutora em Geografia pela UFPE. Docente da Veni Creator Christian University.




How to Cite

e Sousa, A. C. S. d, Silva, S. L. da, & Santos, M. P. M. dos. (2024). EDUCATORS AND DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES: CHALLENGES AND PERSPECTIVES TWO TEACHERS. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 10(7), 2493–2503.