
  • Fabricio Leonardo de Oliveira UECE
  • Lauro Araujo Mota UFPI
  • Dráulio Sales da Silva UFC
  • Rodolfo de Melo Nunes UNIFAMETRO
  • Ana Paula Araújo Mota UECE
  • João Batista Araujo da Silva Junior UFC



High School. Experiments. Learning.


Students' difficulties in learning Chemistry remain a significant concern, with these challenges stemming from various factors. Among them, traditional teaching methods often render classes unengaging. However, experimental activities have been advocated by several authors as an effective tool for providing more meaningful and facilitated learning. This study aims to reveal the possibilities and challenges of using experimental activities in Chemistry teaching. The study investigated the perception of 100 third-year high school students in Tauá-CE regarding the importance of chemistry practical classes. Results highlighted that 92% of students recognize the relevance of experimental activities for their learning, contrasting with only 8% who expressed little benefit. The lack of these practices, due to long intervals between classes and shortages of materials such as glassware and reagents, was identified as a significant obstacle. Despite these challenges, students perceive that experimental classes enhance understanding of chemical content, stimulate curiosity, and promote group work. The majority of participants positively evaluated the impact of these activities on learning, suggesting that integrating theory and practice is essential for quality chemistry education, emphasizing the need for greater institutional support to enable these educational practices more consistently and accessibly.

Author Biographies

Fabricio Leonardo de Oliveira, UECE

Químico – UECE. 

Lauro Araujo Mota, UFPI

Doutor em Educação - UNICAMP; Professor do Curso de Ciências da Natureza - UFPI. Pedagogo – UECE. 

Dráulio Sales da Silva, UFC

Doutor em Química - UFC; Professor de Química – UVA Química - UFC. 

Rodolfo de Melo Nunes, UNIFAMETRO

Doutor em Ciências Médicas - UFC; Professor dos Cursos da Saúde, UNIFAMETRO/UNIJAGUARIBE/MULTIVERSA Farmacêutico – UFC. 

Ana Paula Araújo Mota, UECE

Mestra em Educação - PUC Campinas; Professora da Pedagogia- UECE Pedagoga – UECE.

João Batista Araujo da Silva Junior, UFC

Doutor em Química - UFC; Professor de Química – UECE Químico – UFC. 



How to Cite

Oliveira, F. L. de, Mota, L. A., Silva, D. S. da, Nunes, R. de M., Mota, A. P. A., & Silva Junior, J. B. A. da. (2024). STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION OF CHEMISTRY PRACTICAL CLASSES: IMPORTANCE, CHALLENGES, AND LEARNING IMPACTS. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 10(7), 16–39.