
  • Elisa Vitória Rosa Fernandes Universidade Estadual do Tocantins
  • Beatriz Cilene Mafra Neves Bigeli Universidade Estadual do Tocantins



Virtual Rape. Typicality. Carnal conjunction. libidinous act.


The exacerbated advancement of technology and new users has made information, data and internal data increasingly sensitive. Just like in reality, the virtual world is also home to malicious users, and this factor has contributed to the commission of virtual rape cases. Their growth can be attributed to several factors, including easy access to the internet, increasing the potential for perpetrators to find victims online, as the virtual environment provides anonymity to perpetrators, allowing them to commit crimes without fear of being identified, using this medium. to get content that satisfies them sexually. Some people may not be aware of the risks associated with interacting online, which makes them more vulnerable to abuse. The criminals in question can exploit the emotional, psychological or social vulnerabilities of victims to manipulate them and commit the crime. Furthermore, the dissemination of sexually explicit content on the Internet can contribute to the normalization of sexual violence, increasing the likelihood of individuals committing this type of crime. Furthermore, the lack of specific laws and effective enforcement can encourage attackers to commit these crimes. The need for awareness, education and more effective legal measures to combat this type of crime is highlighted. This research was developed guided by the objective of conceptualizing, elucidating and bringing to light understandings about the crime of rape through virtual means. The methodology used consists of a bibliographical procedure through qualitative research, seeking to identify and analyze the context, starting with a succinct introduction to the environment in which the type of illicit occurs, immediately after conceptualizing what rape really is and how to commit it. in virtual mode. The entire approach will be based on doctrinal positions, scientific works and jurisprudential decisions.

Author Biographies

Elisa Vitória Rosa Fernandes, Universidade Estadual do Tocantins

Graduanda do curso de Direito — Universidade Estadual do Tocantins.

Beatriz Cilene Mafra Neves Bigeli, Universidade Estadual do Tocantins

Mestre em planejamento e desenvolvimento regional pela Universidade de Taubaté. 



How to Cite

Fernandes, E. V. R., & Bigeli, B. C. M. N. (2024). ANALYSIS OF VIRTUAL RAPE IN THE LIGHT OF BRAZILIAN LEGISLATION. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 10(6), 1303–1314.