
  • Antônio França da Costa Centro Universitário Santo Agostinho
  • Gustavo Luís Mendes Tupinambá Rodrigues Centro Universitário Santo Agostinho



Maria da Penha Law. Ineffectiveness. Male chauvinismo.


Law No. 11,340/2006 - Maria da Penha Law is a milestone in women's achievement of gender equality, and has the purpose of preventing, punishing and eradicating violence against women, with its main provision being urgent protective measures aimed at the full protection of the victim. However, despite the creation of the law, domestic and family violence against female individuals is still recurrent, which highlights the ineffectiveness of the protective measures imposed. Therefore, we sought, through bibliographical and documentary research, to identify which factors that lead to non-compliance with urgent protective measures, analyze their effectiveness, and how the State of Piauí currently operates. It is worth highlighting that studies on this topic have scientific and social relevance, in addition to proposing to revive the discussion on the current topic. In view of the research carried out, it is clear that for the Maria da Penha Law to achieve its objective of eradicating violence, special attention from the State to this problem is necessary and thus to make investments to meet the needs of inspection, service and training that They are essential for supporting victims, in addition to promoting educational campaigns for gender equality, in order to provide security for those who are in situations of oppression, but paralyzed by fear. Therefore, there is still a lot to be done to guarantee gender equality, as it is a cultural factor, with deep roots in society, with a lot of complexity to resolve.

Author Biographies

Antônio França da Costa, Centro Universitário Santo Agostinho

Bacharelando do Curso de Direito do Centro Universitário Santo Agostinho.

Gustavo Luís Mendes Tupinambá Rodrigues, Centro Universitário Santo Agostinho

Mestre em Direito – Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS). Professor e orientador do Curso de Direito do Centro Universitário Santo Agostinho - UNIFSA. 



How to Cite

Costa, A. F. da, & Rodrigues, G. L. M. T. (2024). VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN: NON-COMPLIANCE WITH EMERGENCY PROTECTIVE MEASURES. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 10(6), 505–519.