
  • Antônio Laércio Nunes da Silva Veni Creator Christian University
  • Maria Pricila Miranda dos Santos Universidade Federal de Pernambuco




Educational Process. Indiscipline. Negative impacts.


This is a descriptive study, with a quantitative approach, aimed at ensuring that indiscipline manifests itself in schools in general. However, it is not always the objective to investigate the factors that contribute to the record of indiscipline in the initial years (6th and 7th), at the Municipal School São Sebastião Fundamental II, located in the municipality of Brejinho, State of Pernambuco. Indiscipline has become a constant problem in public and private schools across the country. And this was the main reason for choosing the theme for this work, in which the discussions were based mainly on the following authors: Jacobs et al. (2018), Kringe (2020), Oliveira and Soares (2019), Silva et al. (2021), Silva and Matos (2017) and Gomes et al. (2022). There are many intra- and extra-school factors that conspire to cause their causes to reside within the student or within the school. Regardless of its cause, indiscipline always damages the educational process. In the present research, for data collection, the instrument used was a previously structured questionnaire. And based on the data collected, it can be seen that the majority of teachers interviewed see indiscipline on the part of students as inappropriate behavior, something that represents a sign of rebellion. Among those interviewed, there is a solid understanding that it is necessary to identify the factors that motivate school indiscipline so that it can be better addressed. Another significant conclusion provided by this research represents the fact that the majority of participants understand that the external factor that most contributes to the development of this problem in the school context is the lack of attention on the part of parents. From the perspective of most interviewees, indiscipline in the classroom can begin with simple parallel conversations and be amplified by the lack of methodological and technological innovations; which is intrinsically linked to external and internal factors; it can also be expanded when the teacher teaches his classes in an inappropriate and unplanned way; and that the impulsive tendency of adolescence is the psychological factor that most contributes to increasing this problem. Carrying out this research was extremely significant. However, as this is a complex problem, which may always exist in the school context, it is necessary to carry out continuous research, given that the behavior of young people and adolescents has been strongly altered by the changes taking place in society. Finally, it was recommended that the research field school re-discuss its role and eliminate everything that could contribute to the development of indiscipline in its context, choosing dialogue as the best way to produce education.

Author Biographies

Antônio Laércio Nunes da Silva, Veni Creator Christian University

Mestre em Ciências da Educação pela Veni Creator Christian University. 

Maria Pricila Miranda dos Santos, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

Doutora em Geografia pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. 



How to Cite

Silva, A. L. N. da, & Santos, M. P. M. dos. (2024). (IN)DISCIPLINE IN THE SCHOOL CONTEXT: NOTES ON THE EDUCATIONAL REALITY AT THE MUNICIPAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SÃO SEBASTIÃO, MUNICIPALITY OF BREJINHO, PERNAMBUCO. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 10(5), 5056–5078. https://doi.org/10.51891/rease.v10i5.14223