
  • Ítalo Martins Lôbo Miami University of Science and Technology- USA
  • Bruno Henrique Fernandes da Silva Universidade Federal do Amazonas- UFAM
  • João Alves Pereira Must University- USA
  • Marco Antonio Silvany Universidad Europea del Atlántico- Espanha
  • Marcos Antonio Soares de Andrade Filho Universidad Europea del Atlántico- Espanha



Active Methodology. Problem-Based Learning. Active Methodology and Technology.


Active methodologies break with the old teaching and learning system. They remove the role of sole holder of knowledge from the teacher and give students greater autonomy in a more active role. Active methodologies allow the student to construct learning in a way that is closer to their own personality. There are several forms of active methodology, but the one chosen in this research is Problem-Based Learning. This active methodology has a problem situation that will permeate the student's knowledge, critical sense and ability to reflect, thus highlighting the active role in their learning process. The aim of this research was to identify the use of Problem-Based Learning in academic literature and also to understand what its benefits and challenges might be. The justification was given by the relevance of active methodologies and the possibility of problematizing a form of learning based precisely on problems. The methodology adopted was based on a systematic literature review, which adopted inclusion, exclusion criteria and keywords to be used to collect the material. The results pointed to the identification of the use of Problem-Based Learning in the health area with courses such as medicine, nursing and psychology, and also in the legal area, identifying a challenge regarding students' resentment in the face of problem situations, which is a challenge, however, which can be resolved through the use of Information and Communication Technologies.

Author Biographies

Ítalo Martins Lôbo, Miami University of Science and Technology- USA

Mestrando em Tecnologias Emergentes em Educação, Miami University of Science and Technology (MUST) . 

Bruno Henrique Fernandes da Silva, Universidade Federal do Amazonas- UFAM

Mestre em Sociedade e Cultura na Amazônia, Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM).

João Alves Pereira, Must University- USA

Mestrando em Tecnologias Emergentes em Educação, Must University (MUST).

Marco Antonio Silvany, Universidad Europea del Atlántico- Espanha

Mestrando em Educação - Formação de Professores, Universidad Europea del Atlántico,  UNEATLANTICO. 

Marcos Antonio Soares de Andrade Filho, Universidad Europea del Atlántico- Espanha

Mestrando em Educação - Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação na Educação Universidad Europea del Atlántico, (UNEATLANTICO).



How to Cite

Lôbo, Ítalo M., Silva, B. H. F. da, Pereira, J. A., Silvany, M. A., & Andrade Filho, M. A. S. de. (2024). ACTIVE METHODOLOGY: PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING: A LITERATURE REVIEW. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 10(5), 116–124.