
  • Maria Geoneide Carlos Câmara Veni Creator Christian University



Education. Inclusive. Autism. Social responsability.


This research aimed to understand which aspects of the educational process contribute to monitoring the development and learning of students with autism. The inclusion of children with any specific special educational needs is still one of the most important challenges experienced, mainly by educators, therefore, it is extremely important to have as a basis the interaction between children with or without Autism Spectrum Disorder – ASD, with the aim also of making use of pedagogical practices that contribute to the teaching and learning process, as all children can evolve, the difference is only the learning time and the stimuli received by each one of them. Working with diversity to promote inclusion is a challenging task, however, there is a personal enrichment that allows each new situation a new perspective, new learning and a new way of behaving. Therefore, this investigation aimed to analyze how inclusion developed along with the development of these children who require special attention and certain care so that it is possible to carry out planned actions to promote affective relationships between family, students, teacher and school. , curricular adaptations and, above all, equality for all. The methodology used came from a bibliographical research with a qualitative approach in the light of authors who deal with the topic in question. Based on the results obtained, it was possible to see how little is still done for children with special educational difficulties and that there is still a lot to be achieved, as there are many challenges. We still lack depth so that professionals and families can contribute to the good development of these children. However, the studies and readings carried out to carry out this research were of great help in achieving the desired result, as this process was fundamental for the good progress of this work, which will serve as a starting point for future studies.

Author Biography

Maria Geoneide Carlos Câmara, Veni Creator Christian University

Mestranda do Curso de Ciências da Educação da Veni Creator Christian University. 



How to Cite

Câmara, M. G. C. (2024). AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER – ASD: INCLUSION AND DEVELOPMENT. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 10(4), 722–736.