
  • Avaetê de Lunetta e Rodrigues Guerra UNADES
  • Ivone Antonia da Silva Universidad Tecnologica Intercontinental, UTIC
  • Everaldo Antônio de Jesus Faculdad Interamericana de Ciencias Sociales
  • Maria Vanderlene Feitosa de Sousa Formiga
  • Tirza Quirino Roza



The present study is justified by the need to invest in the continued training of literacy teachers, aiming at qualitative transformations in the school. Ongoing teacher training directly contributes to improving the quality of teaching. This need for continued action has always been present, but it has currently intensified due to the increase in Education professionals seeking appreciation and prominence in the job market. The research was conducted through a thorough search of bibliographical sources, using renowned authors as a theoretical basis who address the fundamental issues of continuing education, literacy and Historical-Critical Pedagogy. It is concluded that the continued training of literacy teachers is essential to guarantee the quality of education in Brazil. It is essential that governments, educational institutions and teachers themselves recognize the need to invest in continuing education programs, which include not only the improvement of technical skills, but also the development of socio-emotional skills. Only in this way can we guarantee that our students have access to quality education and become citizens prepared to face the challenges of the 21st century.

Author Biographies

Avaetê de Lunetta e Rodrigues Guerra, UNADES

Doutorando em Ciências da Educação, UNADES. Mestre em Filosofia – Universidade Federal da Paraíba, UFPB.

Ivone Antonia da Silva, Universidad Tecnologica Intercontinental, UTIC

Doutora e Mestra em Ciências da Educação - Universidad Tecnologica Intercontinental, UTIC.

Everaldo Antônio de Jesus, Faculdad Interamericana de Ciencias Sociales

 Doutor em Ciências da Educação, Faculdad Interamericana de Ciencias Sociales, FICS. Mestre em Ciências da Educação, UAA.

Maria Vanderlene Feitosa de Sousa Formiga

 Mestra em Ciências da Educação.

Tirza Quirino Roza

Mestra em Ciências da Educação.



How to Cite

Guerra, A. de L. e R., Silva, I. A. da, Jesus, E. A. de, Formiga, M. V. F. de S., & Roza, T. Q. (2023). CONTINUED TRAINING OF LITERACY TEACHERS IN THE BRAZILIAN EDUCATIONAL SCENARIO. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 9(10), 3888–3896.