
  • Martinele Marinho de França Sales Veni Creator
  • Lucimar Novais de Carvalho Silva Veni Creator



Education. Technologies. Pandemic. Challenges.


With the worsening of the COVID-19 pandemic in the country, one of the biggest challenges for education was the immediate adaptation to a reality that had no predictability. Although some schools were already in the process of implementing digital learning resources, none of them were fully prepared for completely non-face-to-face classes. However, as relevant as distance education is in today's society, it has severe limitations and does not serve all young Brazilians in a democratic way, especially with regard to the divergence between public and private education. Technology is rampant in the modern world, but the biggest challenge for schools and educators is to reconcile education and technology. Gone are the days when the school was the main means of learning, the teacher was the holder of knowledge, today, with the internet, we live with a knowledge revolution. Consequently, this article aims to analyze the singularities of education and technology in the country, focusing on the challenges that students and teachers face daily, as well as the possibilities of pedagogical improvement that such a method can offer for post-pandemic Brazilian education, through optimization and dynamization of classes according to the equipment available. In order to address the challenges and opportunities that arose during this period, it was necessary to carry out a detailed bibliographical research, interviews with four professors from different teaching areas, to corroborate this information, based on a specific and precise analysis of the changes that this event brought and still brings to the Brazilian population and what impacts, positive and negative, on the lives of students and teachers.

Author Biographies

Martinele Marinho de França Sales, Veni Creator

Mestranda em Ciências da Educação da Veni Creator, Pós-graduação em ensino de Matemática Novas Tecnologias, Faculdade de Formação de Professores de Belo Jardim – FABEJA.

Lucimar Novais de Carvalho Silva, Veni Creator

Mestranda em Ciências da Educação da Veni Creator, Pós-graduação em ensino de Biologia e suas tecnologias, Faculdade de Formação de Professores de Belo Jardim.



How to Cite

Sales, M. M. de F., & Silva, L. N. de C. (2023). EDUCATION AND TECHNOLOGY: REPORTS AND REFLECTIONS IN THE POST PANDEMIC SCENARIO. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 9(10), 1645–1658.