
  • Michelli Carla de Souza Unopar
  • Ellen Simone Alves de Souza Unopar
  • Marinalva Paulo da Silva UNIVEST
  • Girlene Gomes de Aquino Baleeiro Fael
  • Geicile Gomes Barbosa Fael



Assistive technology. Special education. Inclusion.


This research aims to approach the Use of Assistive Technologies, as a methodology that facilitates the learning process of students with disabilities. Assistive Technology aims to provide people with disabilities with greater independence, quality of life and social inclusion, by expanding their communication, mobility, control of their environment, their learning ability. The concept of Assistive Technology is still new, being used to identify the whole range of resources and services that contribute to the promotion and/or enhancement of the functional abilities of people with disabilities, and, consequently, the promotion of an independent life for this public. The use of assistive technologies in education is of fundamental importance, as they enable the learning process, optimizing the potential of each student. Considering the possibilities, assistive technologies become necessary for the learning of students with disabilities. And when we talk about people with disabilities, there is a technology segment called Assistive Technology (AT) that covers resources, tools, processes, practices, services, methodologies and strategies whose purpose is to provide more autonomy, independence and quality of life for its users. Given the above, it is believed that the Assistive Technology resources can meet what Vygotsky proposed, since the main objective of these resources is to provide the disabled person with an independent life, whether in the social, school or family context. Soon articulated by different subjective, social and cultural contexts, where students can be assumed as critical and creative subjects. The present work aims to show the activities developed by an extension work, whose main objective is the Insertion of Assistive Technology, using informatics to help in the teaching and learning process of children with intellectual and multiple disabilities in a constructive and creative way, favoring their global development.

Author Biographies

Michelli Carla de Souza, Unopar

Pedagogia e Serviço Social; Pós – Graduação em Psicopedagogia Institucional, Ulbra / Unopar.

Ellen Simone Alves de Souza, Unopar

Pedagogia, Pós-Graduação: Regência nos Anos Iniciais e Educação Infantil. Unopar. 

Marinalva Paulo da Silva, UNIVEST

Pedagogia, Pós-Graduação em Psicopedagogia Institucional, UNIVEST.

Girlene Gomes de Aquino Baleeiro, Fael

Pedagogia Fael.

Geicile Gomes Barbosa, Fael

Pedagogia - Pós-Graduação em Educação Infantil, Fael. 



How to Cite

Souza, M. C. de, Souza, E. S. A. de, Silva, M. P. da, Baleeiro, G. G. de A., & Barbosa, G. G. (2023). THE IMPORTANCE OF ASSISTANT TECHNOLOGY IN SPECIAL EDUCATION. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 9(8), 2148–2154.