
  • Gabriel Rodrigues de Medeiros Universidade do Estado do Amazonas- UEA
  • Walter Pereira Martins Filho Universidade do Estado do Amazonas- UEA
  • Jennifer Azevedo da Cruz Universidade do Estado do Amazonas- UEA
  • Darlan Rodrigues Campelo Universidade do Estado do Amazonas- UEA
  • Railson da Silva Campelo Universidade do Estado do Amazonas- UEA
  • Stefani Feitoza Monteiro Universidade do Estado do Amazonas- UEA



Benefit. Technology. Education.


In the ever-evolving world we live in, technology plays a crucial role in various areas, strengthening, optimizing, and facilitating the lifestyle of 21st-century humans. With this in mind, it is evident how society has become dependent on these enablers, not only for making our lives more comfortable but also for enabling the evolution of the human race in social, intellectual, and informational aspects.As we delve into the sectors where technology is embedded, one section of great importance stands out: education. This magnitude is present in all societies around the globe, shaping individuals as capable assets to solve social, environmental, spatial problems, and more. Education is a significant pillar for society as it instills in students knowledge about the world, creativity to unravel the mysteries of the planet. However, to achieve such positive outcomes, tools and preparation are necessary for educators to extract the potential of students. Michael Fullan, an education specialist, asserts that technology has become an essential tool for modern educators, empowering them to promote more engaging and meaningful learning for 21st-century learners.Teaching has become a challenge as the teacher is no longer the protagonist, no longer holding all the knowledge as in past decades. Now, educators act as guides and advisors, yet it is not an easy task, considering that today's students are not like those of 20 years ago. Everything has been updated, the world is technological, constantly evolving, and therefore, teachers need to keep pace with these changes, or else it becomes impossible to work with digital natives.Since the inclusion of technology, educational software, and teaching practices that incorporate elements of electronic gaming, education has become diversified, creating opportunities for more dynamic, engaging, and efficient learning. It motivates students to seek knowledge and acquire new skills such as typing and critical thinking. Hence, it is necessary to explore the benefits brought by the inclusion of technology in education, as it optimizes the teaching-learning process, producing highly prepared professionals for the job market.Following this line of thought, the present author aimed to determine whether technology is indeed being used as an ally in the teaching-learning process at a high school during their supervised internship II. The focus was solely on the 1st-year classes, and measurement was done through initial and post-internship assessment scores, utilizing methods such as gamification and virtual reality technology. The study intended to evaluate if technology is genuinely being harnessed as an effective tool in education, aiming to enhance the students' experience and foster a more stimulating learning environment. By investigating the impact of gamification and virtual reality technology, the author hoped to contribute to the ongoing improvement of education, adapting it to the needs and expectations of digital-era learners.

Author Biographies

Gabriel Rodrigues de Medeiros, Universidade do Estado do Amazonas- UEA

Graduando em Licenciatura em Computação – UEA. 

Walter Pereira Martins Filho, Universidade do Estado do Amazonas- UEA

Mestre em Administração na American University System - Universidade Americana - Asunción - Paraguai (2011). Pós-graduado em Tecnologias Educacionais para a Docência em Educação Profissional e Tecnológica UEA - (2020). MBA Gestão da Docência do Ensino Superior UNICEL Faculdade Literatus, (2012). Gestão de Tecnologia da Informação Fundação Getúlio Vargas (2006). Graduado em Administração Habilitação em Marketing, CENTRO Universitário do Norte Uninorte, (2003).

Jennifer Azevedo da Cruz, Universidade do Estado do Amazonas- UEA

Graduando em Licenciatura em Computação – UEA. 

Darlan Rodrigues Campelo, Universidade do Estado do Amazonas- UEA

Graduando em Licenciatura em Computação – UEA. 

Railson da Silva Campelo, Universidade do Estado do Amazonas- UEA

Graduando em Licenciatura em Computação – UEA.

Stefani Feitoza Monteiro, Universidade do Estado do Amazonas- UEA

Graduando em Licenciatura em Computação – UEA. 



How to Cite

Medeiros, G. R. de, Martins Filho, W. P., Cruz, J. A. da, Campelo, D. R., Campelo, R. da S., & Monteiro, S. F. (2023). BOOSTING EDUCATION: HOW TECHNOLOGY BENEFITS 1ST YEAR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS AT E.E. OSVALDO NASCIMENTO IN CARAUARI. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 9(7), 557–565.