
  • Raúl Diogo Jovoli Emídio Veni Creator Christian University
  • Maria Pricila Miranda dos Santos Veni Creator Christian University



Post Modernism. Pedagogical Tendencies and Educational Reform.


Education in Angola has been a challenge for its affirmation in the light of what post modernity demands. Its history exerts a great influence in the current context, and the tests that have been carried out for its alignment with what the moment demands, is imposing great efforts from those who have the responsibility of adapting our Teaching and Education system to the other systems that are at levels more adjusted to postmodernism. In any case, the globalization in which we are all immersed forces education systems to get rid of traditionalism and opt for models adjusted to the context without detracting from the educational essence for cultural, social, economic, ethical, deontological, technological progress, etc. societies. In this work, the objective is to reflect the advances as well as the educational challenges that Angola has been experiencing throughout its educational history, based on the survey of educational models. To this end, a historical review was carried out and I present what has been the option for Angolan education to be what it is today. Well-directed bibliographic materials such as works, journals, scientific articles, Decrees, manuals and current legislation were selected in this work.

Author Biographies

Raúl Diogo Jovoli Emídio, Veni Creator Christian University

Mestrando em Ciências de Educação pela Veni Creator Christian University–Orlando, EUA, Mestrando em Teologia pelo Seminário Teológico da Convenção Baptista de Angola, Atua como professor de Geografia e Geologia no Complexo Escolar Baptista da Paz em Luanda-Angola.

Maria Pricila Miranda dos Santos, Veni Creator Christian University

Doutora e mestre em geografia pela UFPE. Atua como professora no IFPE, UFPE, ESUDA e Veni Creator Christian University. Trabalha com as linhas de pesquisas relacionadas às comunidades quilombolas e o estudo do negro em geral e com tecnologias da educação. Autora do livro Conflitos identitários e territoriais da comunicação quilombola Onze Negras - Cabo de Santo Agostinho.




How to Cite

Emídio, R. D. J., & Santos, M. P. M. dos. (2023). EDUCATION IN ANGOLA IN THE POST-MODERNITY CONTEXT. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 9(7), 1556–1585.