
  • Márcia Rodrigues de Oliveira Veni Creator Christian University
  • Maria Pricila Miranda dos Santos Veni Creator Christian University



Pandemic. Advances in technology. lack of technological equipment in public schools. lack of technological investment in public education.


With the pandemic, it became necessary to use technological equipment applied in education. Such equipment was already used in other areas, but very little in schools. With the pandemic, it was found that such equipment could be of great use, not only in that period but also after the pandemic. Therefore, after the pandemic we were certain that the use of technological equipment was here to stay in various sectors, from companies to public bodies. However, being sure of this does not mean that conditions were offered for the use of equipment in some sectors, such as education. Most public schools do not even have a computer for the teacher to use, let alone computers or tablets for student use. This demotivates the teacher who cannot get his students' attention in his classes, because they are still using the blackboard, notebook and pencil, and the teacher's work becomes chaotic, without being able to exchange information. Technology has made great strides and has become part of society, but it has left aside some important sectors for society itself. Today's man cannot see himself without having a cell phone or other type of technological equipment on hand. Companies hire people who have knowledge in technology and the job market has enough vacancies for this area, high salaries, etc. But what about education, how it is/will be over time. Today she cannot keep up with technology for her activities. We must try to change this unfortunate reality and demand that our governments update teachers who teach computer courses and equip schools with technological materials. We will present two interviews with teachers who work in public schools where all the difficulties faced by these professionals will be confirmed. So, we will check whether the use of technology in the post-pandemic period has helped to improve education in public schools or whether there is still a long way to go to reach a public school that can offer quality education.

Author Biographies

Márcia Rodrigues de Oliveira, Veni Creator Christian University

Mestranda em Ciências da Educação pela Veni Creator Christian University. 

Maria Pricila Miranda dos Santos, Veni Creator Christian University

Doutora em Geografia pela UFPE e docente da Veni Creator Christian University. 



How to Cite

Oliveira, M. R. de, & Santos, M. P. M. dos. (2024). TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION: EXPLORING ADVANCES AND POSSIBILITIES FOR THE FUTURE. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 10(5), 2500–2511.