
  • Cristiano Telles Ginar UFPEL
  • Alexandre Hoffmann Remboski UFPEL
  • Felipe Tavares Ribeiro Anhanguera
  • Diego Costa Lopes Fael
  • Bruno Pereira Soares Unopar
  • Er Petter Mendonça Ramos Uniasselvi


We present this digital book, a work meticulously crafted to explore the delicate intersection between eating disorders and physical activity, with special emphasis on the paper of professional Physical Education in a challenging context.

The day begins with an insightful introduction, outlining the challenges faced by individuals affected by food disorders and the increasing importance of effective intervention by Physical Education professionals. In this prelude, we offer an open view of the current scenario, preparing the ground for an in-depth analysis that will be revealed in the following pages.

A central part of this work, this chapter reveals the complex relationships between eating disorders and the practice of physical activities. We explore a delicate balance between the benefits of physical activity for mental health and the risks associated with its inappropriate use by individuals affected by anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and other disorders. We highlight the crucial role of Physical Education professionals in early identification, personalized treatment and the promotion of a balanced approach to health and well-being.

We close this work with grounded and reflective conclusions, summarizing the discoveries and insights obtained throughout the analysis. Furthermore, we provide practical guidance for Physical Education professionals, aiming to strengthen their capabilities in addressing these sensitive questions, thus contributing to the construction of a safer and more inclusive environment.

In the pages of this digital book, we invite readers to reflect on the professional role in Physical Education due to two challenges presented by food disturbances. May this work be a bluff, guiding professionals, educators and interested parties to a more profound and humanized understanding, transforming knowledge into action and promoting significant changes in our society.

The authors,

Author Biographies

Cristiano Telles Ginar, UFPEL

Engenharia de controle e automação - UFPEL

Alexandre Hoffmann Remboski, UFPEL

Ciências Sociais — UFPEL. 

Felipe Tavares Ribeiro, Anhanguera

Direito — Anhanguera.

Diego Costa Lopes, Fael

 Gestão pública — Fael.

Bruno Pereira Soares, Unopar

Gestão ambiental — Unopar.

Er Petter Mendonça Ramos, Uniasselvi

Bacharel em Educação física-Uniasselvi.



How to Cite

Ginar, C. T., Remboski, A. H., Ribeiro, F. T., Lopes, D. C., Soares, B. P., & Ramos, E. P. M. (2024). A PROFISSIONAL FUNCTION AT ATUANTE NA EDUCAÇÃO FÍSICA DURING TWO FOOD DISTÚRBIOS. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 11–58. Retrieved from https://periodicorease.pro.br/rease/article/view/12804



