
  • Aline Gabriela de Souza Faculdade Futura
  • Caroline Pazini Lima Trevizan Faculdade Futura
  • Sileno Marcos Araújo Ortin UNIVERSIDADE BRASIL
  • Tiago Moreno Lopes Roberto UNIRP




Domestic violence. children and adolescents. school performance.


This study aims to address the concept of domestic violence against children and adolescents and their performance in school learning through evaluative parameters and, in addition, describe how these types of violence can influence the change in the behavior of children and adolescents. It is intended to identify the most “common” types of domestic violence and their consequences, thus observing how a conflicting family environment directly affects the child's mind in a large proportion, contributing to school failure. The violence suffered by a child at home and its aggravating factors in the classroom, with the aim of showing and alerting, so that educators come out of neutrality when they realize that a student is being a victim of violence, maintaining a respectful and trusting relationship with the child. children and adolescents and to seek affective measures to ensure fundamental rights. The factors that contribute to this practice being observed and maintained, among which we highlight: the power and gender relations prevalent in societies, the characteristics of the aggressor and the victim, cultural issues, absence of safe mechanisms and conflicts, fear to denounce the inefficiency of the assistance agencies and the certainty of impunity among others. This data collection intends to analyze practical experiences that are part of the context to be studied. A semi-structured questionnaire will be used as a data collection instrument to be applied with teachers and students of the school unit.

Author Biographies

Aline Gabriela de Souza, Faculdade Futura

Pedagoga Faculdade Futura

Caroline Pazini Lima Trevizan, Faculdade Futura

Pedagoga (Faculdade Futura)

Sileno Marcos Araújo Ortin, UNIVERSIDADE BRASIL

 Graduado em Administração (UNIFEV), Especialista em Marketing, Recursos Humanos e Gerência (UNIFEV), Especialista em Programa de Implementação e Gestão em Educação à Distância (UFF), Coordenador de curso de Administração, Mestre em Ciências Ambientais (UNIVERSIDADE BRASIL)

Tiago Moreno Lopes Roberto, UNIRP

 Graduado em Psicologia (UNIFEV), Especialista em saúde mental (FUTURA), Mestre em Psicologia e Saúde (FAMERP), Gestor de Políticas Acadêmicas (FUTURA), Professor do curso de Psicologia (UNIRP).tiago.moreno@faculdadefutura.com.br




How to Cite

Souza, A. G. de ., Trevizan, C. P. L. ., Ortin, S. M. A. ., & Roberto, T. M. L. . (2021). O RENDIMENTO ESCOLAR DA CRIANÇA E DO ADOLESCENTE VÍTIMAS DE VIOLÊNCIA DOMÉSTICA . Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 7(7), 235–249. https://doi.org/10.51891/rease.v7i7.1680