
  • Vitoria Vilas Boas da Silva Bomfim Centro Universitário Jorge Amado
  • Edenilze Teles Romeiro Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco
  • Eryvelton de Souza Franco Centro Universitário Brasileiro
  • Ana Carolina Messias de Souza Ferreira da Costa Centro Universitário Brasileiro
  • Rafael de Almeida Miguez Universidade Atenas



Portable Radiography. Clinical Monitoring. Radiation safety.


results, monitoring of evolution of the clinical condition of the patient and verification of the effectiveness of the treatment. The identification of pathologies and medical conditions can be performed through the interpretation of radiographic images, looking for signs of lesions or anomalies. The evaluation of the quality of the radiographic image is essential for the interpretation to be accurate, being necessary to perform an adequate technique for positioning the patient, adjusting technical parameters and controlling exposure to ionizing radiation. The safety and radiological protection for the patient must be guaranteed through the use of adequate equipment, protection of the patient and the radiology professional, as well as the monitoring of the radiation dose received by the patient. The identification of possible artifacts that may interfere with the interpretation of results is essential for an accurate diagnosis, since such artifacts can simulate or hide real injuries. Therefore, it is important to check the positioning of the patient, the technical quality of the equipment and accessories used. Monitoring the evolution of the patient's clinical condition is essential to assess the progression or regression of the disease, and it is necessary to carry out follow-up tests to assess the effectiveness of the treatment.

Author Biographies

Vitoria Vilas Boas da Silva Bomfim, Centro Universitário Jorge Amado

Centro Universitário Jorge Amado. 

Edenilze Teles Romeiro, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco

Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco.

Eryvelton de Souza Franco, Centro Universitário Brasileiro

Centro Universitário Brasileiro.

Ana Carolina Messias de Souza Ferreira da Costa, Centro Universitário Brasileiro

Centro Universitário Brasileiro.

Rafael de Almeida Miguez, Universidade Atenas

Universidade Atenas.



How to Cite

Bomfim, V. V. B. da S., Romeiro, E. T., Franco, E. de S., Costa, A. C. M. de S. F. da, & Miguez, R. de A. (2023). BED X-RAY EXAMINATIONS. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 9(5), 1985–1994.