
  • José Fernandes Ramos Oliveira a Universidad Europea del Atlántico- UNEATLANTICO



Nicolasites. Sect. Works. Church. Doctrine.


The group called Nicolaitan, participate of a sect that look for disseminate teachings against the Gospel and the teachings already established in the beginning of christian era. The objective was corrupt the doctrines of the churches and pervert existing customs. The nicolaítan are mentioned only twice a couple in the new testament of Apocalipse’s book. These passages were written in two letters, that was sent for the churches of Éfeso and Pérgamo, and enfasize the disagreement and contempt of Jesus with this teachings, as well as with your work. This article are destined to understand the modern and past autor’s interpretation, looking for identify who was the nicolaítan, who was your founder, what was your doctrines and practices. There are currently no extra-biblical documents that make understand the nicolaítan phenomenon. Faced with this, a bibliographical and investigative work from various sources to come to a reliable conclusion. The purpose of this approach is also to provoke a reflection about how the primitive christians submitted to the standards and concepts of nicolaítan and how the Jesus followers in the present are afected with this values yet.

Author Biography

José Fernandes Ramos Oliveira, a Universidad Europea del Atlántico- UNEATLANTICO

Mestrando em Recursos Humanos e Gestão do Conhecimento pela Universidad Europea del Atlántico (UNEATLANTICO), Espanha. Possui graduação em Administração de Empresas pela Universidade Joaquim Nabuco (UNINABUCO), Licenciatura em História pela Faculdade Educamais e Teologia pelo Centro Universitário Internacional. É especialista em Gestão Comercial e Pessoas pela Escola Superior de Marketing (FAMAESM), em Tutoria em Educação a Distância pelo Faculdade São Luís e Gestão Estratégia de Marketing pela Facuminas. Pernambuco, Brasil.



How to Cite

Oliveira, J. F. R. (2023). THE ORIGIN OF THE NICOLAITAN SECT. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 9(4), 1538–1549.