
  • Gabriella Senise Nunes Universidade de Vassouras
  • Christianne Terra de Oliveira Azevedo Universidade de Vassouras
  • Rachel Djmal Dantas Universidade de Vassouras
  • Diogo Nelson Rodrigues Noronha Universidade de Vassouras
  • Matheus da Silva Alvarenga Universidade de Vassouras
  • Lorran da Costa Cruz Nascimento Universidade de Vassouras



Kawasaki Disease Childrens. Cardiovascular Complications. Coronary Artery Aneurysm.


Kawasaki Disease is a self-limited vasculitis that affects, mainly, young childrens and infants of Asian ancestry. This illness, however, has become the most common cause of acquired heart disease in children in developed countries, and can cause repercussions not only in the acute phase but later. Thus, if there is a delay in starting treatment the risk of unwanted cardiovascular outcomes can reach 20%. The objective of this study was to define the main cardiovascular consequences of this vasculitis and risk factors associated with its development, a search for previous works was carried out on the PubMed and Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS) platforms using the descriptors ``Kawasaki Disease Children's”, “Cardiovascular Complications”, “Coronary artery aneurysm” connected by the Boolean operator “AND”, and after application of inclusion and exclusion criteria a total of 24 scientific article were selected. Through the studies analyzed, it was observed that the cardiovascular adverse effects more frequently related with Kawasaki Disease were coronary artery aneurysms and acute myocardial infarction. Furthermore, it was identificated that exist factors correlated to the patient himself and his laboratory data that improve the chance of these complications. That way, the impact of accurate diagnosis, early treatment and support of these patients in reducing the risk of cardiovascular unwanted events is evidenced.

Author Biographies

Gabriella Senise Nunes, Universidade de Vassouras

Discente do Curso de Medicina da Universidade de Vassouras; Vassouras, RJ, Brasil. ORCID:  

Christianne Terra de Oliveira Azevedo, Universidade de Vassouras

Pediatra e professora do Curso de Medicina da Universidade de Vassouras, Vassouras, RJ, Brasil.  

Rachel Djmal Dantas, Universidade de Vassouras

Discente do Curso de Medicina da Universidade de Vassouras; Vassouras, RJ, Brasil. 

Diogo Nelson Rodrigues Noronha, Universidade de Vassouras

Discente do Curso de Medicina da Universidade de Vassouras; Vassouras, RJ, Brasil. 

Matheus da Silva Alvarenga, Universidade de Vassouras

Discente do Curso de Medicina da Universidade de Vassouras; Vassouras, RJ, Brasil. 

Lorran da Costa Cruz Nascimento, Universidade de Vassouras

Discente do Curso de Medicina da Universidade de Vassouras; Vassouras, RJ, Brasil. 



How to Cite

Nunes, G. S. ., Azevedo, C. T. de O. ., Dantas, R. D. ., Noronha, D. N. R. ., Alvarenga, M. da S. ., & Nascimento, L. da C. C. . (2023). CARDIOVASCULAR COMPLICATIONS OF KAWASAKI DISEASE: A LITERATURE REVIEW. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 9(3), 521–534.