
  • Gislaine Silveira Nunes  Policial Penal da SEAPEN/RS
  • Bruno da Silva Nascimento Soares  Policial Penal da SEAPEN/RS
  • Suelen da Rosa Teixeira  Policial Penal da SEAPEN/RS
  • Aline Andressa Trennepohl Borges  Policial Penal da SEAPEN/RS
  • Diogo Silva de Quevedo  Policial Penal da SEAPEN/RS
  • Emília da Rosa Monego Policial Penal da SEAPEN/RS


Health. Air pollution. Atmospheric pollution.


Noble readers,
I present the book "Human Rights and Sustainability", which deals with fundamental issues for the sustainable development of the planet. The book has three distinct chapters that address issues relevant to this topic.
In chapter 1, entitled "Air Pollution Control", the author discusses the importance of reducing atmospheric pollution for the promotion of human health and the environment. The main types of air pollution are presented, as well as their sources and consequences. In addition, the chapter highlights the main public policies implemented to control air pollution, both in Brazil and in other countries, highlighting the need for investments in this sector to guarantee sustainability.
In chapter 2, entitled "Ethnobotany and Sustainability", the author presents the relationship between biodiversity conservation practices and the traditional culture of indigenous peoples and local communities. The chapter highlights the value of plants for these groups and the importance of preserving traditional knowledge about the use and management of these natural resources. Examples of projects that promote biodiversity conservation, social inclusion and income generation for these communities are also presented.
Finally, in chapter 3, entitled "70 Years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Limits of its implementation in contemporary times", the author reflects on the advances and challenges related to the realization of human rights. The chapter highlights the importance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, celebrated in 2018, and discusses the main limitations in the realization of these rights today. Emblematic cases of human rights violations in different countries and contexts are presented, highlighting the need for effective actions to guarantee respect for human rights.
Thus, the work "Human Rights and Sustainability" is an important work that addresses fundamental themes for the construction of a fairer and more sustainable world. With different approaches and perspectives, the chapters contribute to a critical reflection on the importance of protecting the environment and human rights for the promotion of sustainable development.
We wish everyone a good read!

The authors,

Author Biographies

Gislaine Silveira Nunes , Policial Penal da SEAPEN/RS

Graduada em Comunicação Social- Habilitada em Relações Publicas pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Pós-graduada em Perfis criminais e comportamentais pela IBRA. Policial Penal da SEAPEN/RS

Bruno da Silva Nascimento Soares , Policial Penal da SEAPEN/RS

Graduado em Administração pelo Centro Universitário Metodista (IPA). Pós-graduado em Gestão Prisional pela Faveni. Policial Penal da SEAPEN/RS.

Suelen da Rosa Teixeira , Policial Penal da SEAPEN/RS

Graduada em Gestão Ambiental pela Universidade da Região da Campanha( URCAMP). Pós-graduada em Perícia e Auditoria Ambiental pela Uninter. Pós-graduada em Segurança Pública e Cidadania pela IBRA. Policial Penal da SEAPEN/RS. 

Aline Andressa Trennepohl Borges , Policial Penal da SEAPEN/RS

Graduada em Ciências Contábeis pela Universidade de Passo Fundo(UPF). Pós-graduada em Segurança Pública pela Faculdade Alfamérica. Policial Penal da SEAPEN/RS.

Diogo Silva de Quevedo , Policial Penal da SEAPEN/RS

Graduado em Administração pelo Instituto Educacional do Rio Grande do Sul (IERGS). Pós-graduado em Setor Público pela Faconnect. Policial Penal da SEAPEN/RS. 

Emília da Rosa Monego, Policial Penal da SEAPEN/RS

Graduada em Zootecnia pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria(UFSM). Pós-graduada em Gestão Prisional pela Faveni. Policial Penal da SEAPEN/RS. 



How to Cite

Nunes , G. S. ., Soares , B. da S. N. ., Teixeira , S. da R. ., Borges , A. A. T. ., Quevedo , D. S. de ., & Monego, E. da R. . (2023). HUMAN RIGHTS AND SUSTAINABILITY. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 13–143. Retrieved from



