
  • Braiam Almeida da Silva Universidade Católica de Pelotas
  • Deividi Moura Araujo Centro Universitário Unifael / Bagé
  • Márcio Guedes dos Santos Faculdade Anhanguera / Pelotas
  • Fabio Roos Pereira Unopar
  • Lisandro Peres Teixeira Faculdade São Braz
  • Ademir de Oliveira Rodrigues Universidade da Região da Campanha - URCAMP


Prison system. Society. Supersolation. Violence.


To deal with the list of problems that plague the prison system in the Brazilian orb, it will be imperative to make a preamble about the main problems common to prisons around the world.
Overcrowding has become a growing and common problem in many prisons around the world. These prison complexes are overcrowded and leading to poor living conditions for the inmates. This includes crowded cells, lack of space to move around, poor hygiene, lack of beds and often lack of water and basic sanitation.
Subsequently, violence is a reality in prisons, both on the part of the detainees themselves and on the part of the various actors who transit in this space. Overcrowding, lack of resources and lack of rehabilitation programs are some of the factors that contribute to violence in prisons.
Next comes the lack of access to health care. Detainees often have limited access to quality health care, including treatment for chronic illnesses and psychological care. Health conditions in prisons are often unsanitary, increasing the risk of communicable diseases.
Profitable rehabilitation programs - Many prisons lack rehabilitation programs that help inmates reintegrate into society after release. Without these programs, many who leave the system end up returning to prison.
Discrimination is a very thorny issue, as detainees often face discrimination inside and outside prisons, including racial, gender and sexual orientation.
Not least, the problem of corruption is a constant concern in many prison systems, affecting the different spheres of subjects that transit in this system.
The inhumane conditions found in many prisons, including lack of adequate food, clean water and hygienic conditions, as well as practices of torture and cruel treatment, are part of many prisons around the world.
Thus, this set of problems makes the prison system a difficult and challenging environment for detainees, and they often fail to fulfill their purpose of rehabilitation and reintegration of individuals into society.
With this preface in mind, I continue with the presentation of the book "As Illnesses of the Brazilian Prison System", as a work that addresses the main problems faced by the Brazilian prison system. Written by author-researchers in the field. The work presents a critical analysis of the structural and functional failures that perpetuate violence, overcrowding, corruption, lack of hygiene and health, inhumane treatment and other ills within Brazilian prisons.
The book outlines an overview of the Brazilian prison system and contextualizes the main challenges currently faced. The authors present alarming information about the prison population, which has been growing exponentially in recent years, overcrowding prison units and generating a series of structural and management problems.
Then, the book addresses the main failures of the Brazilian prison system, such as the lack of investment in resocialization policies, the absence of education and work programs, the lack of adequate medical and psychological assistance, violence between prisoners and against prisoners. correctional officers, corruption and impunity.
Finally, the authors present a series of proposals to solve the ills of the Brazilian prison system, including investment in crime prevention policies, creation of penal alternatives, improvement in the management and training of penitentiary agents, appreciation of resocialization and social reintegration of prisoners, among other measures.
In short, "As Illnesses of the Brazilian Prison System" is a fundamental book for all those interested in understanding the main problems of the Brazilian prison system and the possible solutions to make it more just, humane and efficient.

The authors,

Author Biographies

Braiam Almeida da Silva, Universidade Católica de Pelotas

Bacharel em Direito pela Universidade Católica de Pelotas.

Deividi Moura Araujo, Centro Universitário Unifael / Bagé

Tecnólogo em Gestão pública pelo Centro Universitário Unifael / Bagé.

Márcio Guedes dos Santos, Faculdade Anhanguera / Pelotas

Bacharel em Administração de Empresas pela Faculdade Anhanguera / Pelotas

Fabio Roos Pereira, Unopar

Bacharel em Administração de Empresas pela  Unopar / Canguçu

Lisandro Peres Teixeira, Faculdade São Braz

Bacharel em Administração de Empresas pela Faculdade São Braz.

Ademir de Oliveira Rodrigues, Universidade da Região da Campanha - URCAMP

Bacharel em Direito pela Universidade da Região da Campanha - URCAMP.



How to Cite

Silva, B. A. da ., Araujo, D. M. ., Santos, M. G. dos ., Pereira, F. R. ., Teixeira, L. P. ., & Rodrigues, A. de O. . (2023). THE ILLNESSES OF THE BRAZILIAN PRISON SYSTEM. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 13–62. Retrieved from



