
  • Renan Campos de Bitencourt Faculdade FAEL
  • Rafael Gonzalez Bastos Universidade Federal do Rio Grande
  • Bernardo Mendes Garcia Universidade Federal do Rio Grande
  • Cesar Moraes de Souza Universidade Federal do Rio Grande
  • Claudionor Martins Alves Universidade Pitágoras - Unopar
  • Valter Peracchi Bittencourt Soares Unicesumar


Human Dignity. Penitentiary system. Resocialization.


The E-book in question deals with the bibliographical analysis on the situation of gaucho prisons in the area of Public Security, addressing the importance of improving knowledge on the subject, the lack of respect for the right to education and the overcrowding of prisons as factors to be discussed. The objective of the study is to increase knowledge about the situation of prisons, understand the role of human rights in this problem and contribute to the construction of a possible solution to restructure the system, based on constitutional principles such as equality, human dignity, freedom and non-discrimination. The article questions the situation of the gaucho penitentiary system and the importance of human rights in prisons. The analysis narrates the reality of penitentiaries with overcrowding, neglect by the government and violation of constitutional principles and human rights.
Taken by great joy, we present this book that addresses a very important and current theme: The practice of human rights in penitentiaries and its impact on resocialization.
Initially, it is important to state that human rights are a set of fundamental rights and freedoms that are inherent to all people, regardless of their nationality, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age or any other personal condition. These rights are recognized and protected by international and national law, and include, among others, the right to life, liberty, equality before the law, freedom of expression, freedom of thought and religion, education, health , housing, decent work, privacy and protection against discrimination and torture.
Human rights are considered universal, that is, they apply to all people, in all places and under all circumstances, without exception. They are indivisible and interdependent, which means that the protection of one right is directly related to the protection of other rights. Furthermore, human rights are imprescriptible, that is, they cannot be withdrawn or suspended under any circumstances, not even in emergencies, such as in times of war or crisis.
Protecting human rights is a shared responsibility among governments, international organizations, civil society and individuals. Governments are responsible for ensuring that human rights are respected, protected and promoted within their territories, through the adoption of appropriate laws and public policies, and for holding public officials accountable for violating these rights. Civil society and individuals also play a key role in promoting and protecting human rights, through participation in civil society organizations, reporting violations of rights and demanding public policies that guarantee respect for human rights.

We all know that the penitentiary system is a subject that raises many questions and debates in our society. Unfortunately, the conditions in which detainees live are often inhumane and violate their most basic rights. And it is in this environment that this book that I am presenting becomes so relevant.

Written by experts in human rights and criminal justice, this book offers a detailed analysis of human rights practices in prisons and how these practices can contribute to the resocialization of detainees.
The work brings a detailed study of different experiences in different countries, with a critical approach based on data and statistics. In addition, the book offers proposals and suggestions for improving the penitentiary system and making it fairer and more efficient.
We cannot ignore the importance of re-socializing detainees and guaranteeing their human rights. After all, most of them will return to society one day, and it is crucial that they return as re-socialized citizens able to live in society.
Therefore, I strongly recommend reading this book to all those interested in human rights, criminal justice and the resocialization of detainees. I am sure that this work can contribute a lot to the debate and improvement of the penitentiary system in our country and around the world.

Very good reading for all.

Author Biographies

Renan Campos de Bitencourt, Faculdade FAEL

Gestão Pública pela Faculdade Fael. 

Rafael Gonzalez Bastos, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande

Engenheira Civil Empresarial pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande.

Bernardo Mendes Garcia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande

Administração de Empresas pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande.

Cesar Moraes de Souza, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande

Engenheira Mecânica pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande.

Claudionor Martins Alves, Universidade Pitágoras - Unopar

Tecnólogo em Gestão Pública pela Universidade Pitágoras - Unopar.

Valter Peracchi Bittencourt Soares, Unicesumar

Recursos Humanos pela Unicesumar.



How to Cite

Bitencourt, R. C. de ., Bastos, R. G. ., Garcia, B. M. ., Souza, C. M. de ., Alves, C. M. ., & Soares, V. P. B. . (2023). THE PRACTICE OF HUMAN RIGHTS IN PENITENTIARIES AND ITS IMPACT ON RESOCIALIZATION. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 10–48. Retrieved from



