
  • Luciana Leão da Fonseca Lourenço
  • Filipe Capeletti
  • Suelen Moreira
  • Amanda Fonseca de Albuquerque
  • Andria Klug Lemões
  • Laerte de Azevedo Gasque



Mental Illness. Educator. Inclusion.


In human history, there are reports of those born "punished" by God, because, for a long time, every person with a mental illness was a freak of nature, a punishment. Along with the social and scientific development, brain alterations started to be studied more and more. As early as the 19th century, there were psychiatric hospitals, real depots of people. Moreover, these places were used as punishment for people who did not follow social standards. And today, there are different studies that present the most diverse mental illnesses, from the genetic ones that appear in the first weeks of gestation such as syndromes, to those that arise as a result of a head trauma or stroke that can generate a disability or loss of abilities. In view of this differentiated reality, those with disabilities, special needs or giftedness, by law, must be enrolled in regular schools. And, many of the teachers, unprepared and without enough knowledge for a teaching practice with different students, face difficulties in their daily lives. What the government offers are courses and theories on how to deal with this imposed reality and, as a help, it offers, when possible, a monitor for each special student. With a pedagogical view, for educational success, a lot of dedication and study is required from every teacher who intends to work in the educational network. And yet, it is indispensable to study for which "special" students this reality is beneficial.

Author Biographies

Luciana Leão da Fonseca Lourenço

Licenciatura em Letras/ Português e respectivas Licenciaturas. Pós-graduação: Análise Criminal/ Políticas Públicas/     Gestão do Sistema Prisional / Gestão Pública/Segurança Pública. 

Filipe Capeletti

Bacharel em Direito Pós-graduação em Direito Penal Pós-graduação em Administração de Pessoas Pós-graduação em Gestão do Sistema Prisional.

Suelen Moreira

Graduação em Educação Fisica. 

Amanda Fonseca de Albuquerque

Graduação Direito. 

Andria Klug Lemões

Graduação em Enfermagem Pós-graduação em UTI, Urgência e emergência. 

Laerte de Azevedo Gasque

Graduação em Ciências Econômicas. Pós-graduação em Sociedade e Política do Rio Grande do Sul. Pós-graduação em Contabilidade, Perícia e Auditoria. Pós-graduação em Segurança Pública e Inteligência. 



How to Cite

Lourenço, L. L. da F. ., Capeletti, F. ., Moreira, S. ., Albuquerque, A. F. de ., Lemões, A. K. ., & Gasque, L. de A. . (2023). CHALLENGES FOR INCLUSION. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 9(2), 373–385.