
  • Graciela Cristina Mullet da Silva
  • Gilson Cleff dos Santos
  • Alef Saizer Fiori
  • Sandro Goulart da Costa
  • Everton Severino Vieira da Silva
  • Roberto Carlos Dias Vitaca




Prison System. Efficiency. Technology. Innovation.


This article is the result of research and analysis related to the use of resources carried out in the prison system in Rio Grande do Sul and Brazil, as well as proposing to identify and list opportunities for improvement and encourage the use of new tools and best practices. The observed and suggested methods were elaborated in a succinct manner, investigated by the author not only during his work in the prison system, the way he currently works, but also combined with the knowledge of Public Management and Information Technology, acquired in the past due to training and experience also in these areas. . It focused on identifying situations where new techniques can be applied, as well as optimizing those already practiced, always aiming at the efficiency and effectiveness of the service and public spending, as well as the use of technology. Considering the exorbitant and continuous growth of the prison population, a situation that greatly burdens the use of state resources, this work was developed not specifically with a view to the security of prison systems, but rather aiming at the search for solutions and tools that can collaborate for the improvement and channeling resources, increasingly seeking to adequately meet the constitutional principle of efficiency. All this will reflect positively in terms of security. It is, obviously, in many cases a complex change, which requires a lot of state investment, both in the human and technological areas, but which is of fundamental importance, because, given the current situation of the Brazilian prison system, it is a topic that deserves essential highlight so that the problems faced are widely discussed and minimized in the future.

Author Biographies

Graciela Cristina Mullet da Silva

Graduação em gestão pública – Uniasselvi.  

Gilson Cleff dos Santos

Pós em criminologia, pós em gestão pública, curso superior em ciências sociais.

Alef Saizer Fiori

Graduação licenciatura em Educação Física, Pós-graduação Gestão pública.

Sandro Goulart da Costa

Graduação em serviço jurídico notórias. Licenciatura em ciências sociais. Pós-graduação em direito penal. Pós-graduação processual penal. Pós-graduação segurança pública.

Everton Severino Vieira da Silva

Tecnólogo em gestão pública, pós-graduação em criminologia: gestão pública.

Roberto Carlos Dias Vitaca

Tecnológico em Transações Imobiliárias, Licenciatura em Ed. Física, Pós-graduação Segurança Pública, Gestão Pública, Teoria do Crime e Direito Penal.



How to Cite

Silva, G. C. M. da ., Santos, G. C. dos ., Fiori, A. S. ., Costa, S. G. da ., Silva, E. S. V. da ., & Vitaca, R. C. D. . (2023). EFFICIENT SOLUTIONS FOCUSED ON TECHNOLOGY APPLIED IN THE PRISON SYSTEM. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 9(2), 119–129. https://doi.org/10.51891/rease.v9i2.8415