2ª edição-Atualizada e revisada


  • Alinice dos Santos Lara da Silva Faculdades das Águas Elencadas - FAE
  • Sandra Neide Fernandes Lima Ferreira Centro Universitário Leonardo da Vinci – UNIASSELVI
  • Luziete Rodrigues Ferreira Centro universitário de Varzea Grande
  • Adriana da Silva Nonato Faculdades Integradas de Várzea Grande – FIAVEC
  • Helena Aparecida de Faria Faculdades Integradas de Várzea Grande – FIAVEC
  • Célia Celestino da Silva Reinehr Faculdade Iguaçu


In childhood. Jump. jumpers. Education of children. Developments.


This book seeks to establish a relationship between, or jumping, childhood immersed in a consumer context and the technological world of modern society and discusses the role of the school in this environment. In this sense, we want to analyze the relationship between jumping in today's society and, likewise, the relationship between playful objects in the lives of children of today and their country.
Today, where the logic of consumption is strongly present, children are seen as natural consumers, and this is worrying, they are seduced by merchandise, industrial leaps, they lose freedom and autonomy in the creation of their own world and become homogenized. We believe that this work contributed to the protection of jumping as the main life activity of children, and the objects used for it should be highlighted, or that, among other things, it potentiates creativity, playfulness, mobility, and autonomy.
In today's society, it is easy to perceive how technology changes people's lives, habits and choices. Modern life entails a certain dependence on the home in relation to technological innovations. We can no longer imagine our work, study or lazer without a cell phone or a computer with an internet connection by port, among other devices that we can classify as an extension of our body. These innovations are also present in the life and activities of children and, mainly, in infant jumps and jumps.
When talking about current technology and mainly about the relationship of children with it, it is important to stick to the idea of the logic of consumption. This means that we cannot ignore that the society in which we live is capitalist and, therefore, we are consumers, and the children are not different.
As crianças são each time more or alvo da indústria de produtos infantis. Some TV commercials have children, such as food, clothes and mainly jumps.
The children spend most of the time immersed in the technological world, mainly in the vortex of propaganda turned for consumption, which plays an important role in the choices and attitudes of children. There is no uncontrollable impulse to accumulate, it is not only upbringing that should “hit”, but the country strives to have a better standard of living and to be able to provide for children or those who do not have childhood. Na true, the guilty countries try to compensate the two children for a long time by buying jumpers, clothes and food that they could not afford before. a lição of consumerism that will last the rest of your life.
It is also important to know how to characterize a child in this context, because the consumer culture ends up homogenizing people. Individuality, identity is masked by the values of society marked by products and merchandise. More and more modern jumps with a new visual have voices, forms and practically do not use the imagination of children to direct. Activities like raising, undressing, imagining ficam in the background. The thought and creativity of a child are subsequently devalued.
In this context, the objective of this book was to establish a relationship between childhood immersed in the jump, a context of consumption, and the technological world of modern society, questioning the role of the school in this environment and, likewise, reflecting on the role of the school. In the play areas for children from 4 to 5 years old, we also emphasize understanding two countries about jumping in childhood and, based on this information, we collect information that helps to understand the differences between the countries and the childhood of their children.
We also hope that this book will help teachers who work with small children and who have so many difficulties to reconcile modern technology with the aim of encouraging creative processes in the classroom, using or jumping as a teaching method and involving children.

Author Biographies

Alinice dos Santos Lara da Silva, Faculdades das Águas Elencadas - FAE

Graduação em Pedagogia pela Universidade Luterana do Brasil.  Especialista em Educação Infantil e Especial pela Faculdades das Águas Elencadas - FAE

Sandra Neide Fernandes Lima Ferreira, Centro Universitário Leonardo da Vinci – UNIASSELVI

Graduada em Pedagogia pelas Faculdades Evangélicas Integradas Cantares de Salomão - FEICS. Especialista em Educação Infantil e Anos Iniciais pelo Centro Universitário Leonardo da Vinci - UNIASSELVI

Luziete Rodrigues Ferreira, Centro universitário de Varzea Grande

Graduação pedagogia — Centro universitário de Varzea Grande ( Univag). Pós-graduação. Educação infantil, Alfabetização e Letramento

Adriana da Silva Nonato, Faculdades Integradas de Várzea Grande – FIAVEC

Graduada em Pedagogia para a Educação Infantil pela Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso – UFMT, Graduada em Direito pela Universidade de Cuiabá –UNIC, Especialista em Educação Infantil e Alfabetização pelas Faculdades Integradas de Várzea Grande – FIAVEC.

Helena Aparecida de Faria, Faculdades Integradas de Várzea Grande – FIAVEC

Graduada em Pedagogia pela Universidade de Cuiabá  - UNIC, Especialista em Alfabetização e Letramento pela Faculdade Afirmativo, Especialista em Educação Infantil e Alfabetização pelas Faculdades Integradas de Várzea Grande – FIAVEC.

Célia Celestino da Silva Reinehr, Faculdade Iguaçu

Graduação em Pedagogia pela Faculdade Invest de Ciências e Tecnologias, Especialista em Educação Infantil pela Faculdade Iguaçu



How to Cite

Silva, A. dos S. L. da, Ferreira, S. N. F. L. ., Ferreira, L. R. ., Nonato, A. da S. ., Faria, H. A. de ., & Reinehr, C. C. da S. . (2023). CHILDHOOD AND JUMPING: 2ª edição-Atualizada e revisada. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 14–82. Retrieved from



