
  • Roberto Bernardes Junior UNIP
  • Fábio Marcos Fonseca Boiani UNIBAN
  • Felipe Barbato de Biaggio UNINOVE
  • Luciene Figueiredo Batista UNIBAN
  • Mateus de Macedo UMC



Training. Teachers. Teachers. Coordination. Collaborators. basic computing. Technology.


In this semester's Integrator Project, we will address the theme of basic informatics in the training of teachers and collaborators at a private university in the state of São Paulo. As much as technology and distance learning are already in the daily lives of most people in the university environment, forced mainly by the pandemic, many teachers, coordinators, professionals who work in the academic secretariat or various collaborators who still have a lot of difficulty with various technologies and tools. One of the members of the integrator project, when working, collaborating and closely monitoring these professionals, realized from various situations and feedbacks received that a large part of the problem was not caused by a specific tool or complex technological resource, but due to a deficiency in basic knowledge and general information technology, therefore, most of the problems presented had a quick and simple solution, but they ended up taking up excessive time in class or work. With that in mind, we got in touch with the coordination of free courses at the University, the department responsible for carrying out qualifications, training and lectures, with a proposal and teaching plan for the application of this material to teachers and collaborators. Receptiveness and feedback were very positive, receiving approval for us to start planning and organizing the classes. For teachers, due to the extensive workload and assignment of classes, they would not be able to have enough time to take the course during working hours, however, the project will still be applied to them as soon as they return from the end of the year break, currently with a forecast for the second half of January 2023, with mandatory face-to-face participation, in 5 meetings and with a knowledge test at the end. The coordination, the academic secretariat and collaborators in general had the possibility to carry out it in advance, starting in October and ending in November, in 9 meetings, twice a week, face-to-face and with optional registration. Thus, we hope to optimize the time these professionals spend interacting with technologies, computers and their tools.

Author Biographies

Roberto Bernardes Junior, UNIP

Mestre e doutorado em administração pela UNIP.  

Fábio Marcos Fonseca Boiani, UNIBAN

Políticas Públicas para Adolescentes e Conflitualidade, na Uniban; Comunicação Social, pelo Mackenzie).


Felipe Barbato de Biaggio, UNINOVE

Cientista da Computação–UNINOVE.  

Luciene Figueiredo Batista, UNIBAN

Licenciatura Plena em Letras pela UNIBAN.   

Mateus de Macedo, UMC

Enge mecânica-UMC.  



How to Cite

Bernardes Junior, R. ., Boiani, F. M. F. ., Biaggio, F. B. de ., Batista, L. F. ., & Macedo, M. de . (2023). BASIC COMPUTER TRAINING FOR TEACHERS AND EMPLOYEES. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 9(1), 445–456.