
  • Adriana Ferreira de Almeida Centro Universitário Newton Paiva
  • Carla Roberta Rodrigues Sacramento Centro Universitário Newton Paiva
  • Liliane Ramos Elias Centro Universitário Newton Paiva
  • Adriana Rivoire Menelli de Oliveira Centro Universitário Newton Paiva



Literature. Child education. Language.


This study points to the importance of working literature with children in Kindergarten, seeking not only knowledge and acquisition of language and writing, but as a training agent, which can contribute to their development and effectively help in understanding of the world. The type of research is a qualitative systematic bibliographical review, with which it is intended to seek directions for the practice of meaningful and constructive reading, which, in addition to knowledge and learning, also provides pleasure. The methodology of the present study was based on concepts that meet the research with its main theme, thus, it had a descriptive approach, in order to discuss reading in Early Childhood Education, understand its role in the process of development and education of the child and seek methods and practices projects that fulfill the role of Children's Literature, seeking effective ways to develop the pleasure of reading in children. As a result, we observed that literature plays a very important role in learning, as it reveals to the child reader his critical sense, because when he reads, he dialogues, questions or agrees. Literature means offering an important means of communication and education for children.

Author Biographies

Adriana Ferreira de Almeida, Centro Universitário Newton Paiva

Aluna de Licenciatura em Pedagogia do Centro Universitário Newton Paiva. 

Carla Roberta Rodrigues Sacramento, Centro Universitário Newton Paiva

Aluna de Licenciatura em Pedagogia do Centro Universitário Newton Paiva. 

Liliane Ramos Elias, Centro Universitário Newton Paiva

Aluna de Licenciatura em Pedagogia do Centro Universitário Newton Paiva. 

Adriana Rivoire Menelli de Oliveira, Centro Universitário Newton Paiva

Professora Doutora Orientadora de TCC do Centro Universitário Newton Paiva. 



How to Cite

Almeida, A. F. de ., Sacramento, C. R. R. ., Elias, L. R. ., & Oliveira, A. R. M. de . (2022). THE IMPORTANCE OF LITERATURE FOR CHILDHOOD EDUCATION. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 8(12), 460–472.