
  • Maria Eliana Lopes de Souza UNINI/MÉXICO
  • Olga Aparecida da Silva Martins UNINI/PORTO RICO
  • Mathaus Natan Moura Duarte UNINI/MÉXICO
  • Marilene Rosa da Silva UNINI/MEXICO




Hybrid teaching. Connectivism. Teacher training. New paradigms.


ABSTRACT: The present work aims to problematize relevant aspects of conceptualization of the terms and modalities of hybrid teaching as well as its interface with connectivism. The theme has been the focus of intense discussion today, especially with regard to the continuing education of teachers, methodological innovations and curricular readjustment due to Pandemia COVID 19. We have tried throughout this work to expose some of the characteristics of this teaching modality since many professional’s education are not familiar with the methodological models and benchmarks of applicability and development. For this purpose, we use the bibliographic method, research based on published references, analyzes and discussions of cultural and scientific contributions on the topic. From our studies we realized that the main difficulties are more focused on conceptual and methodological aspects than on the cognitive or evaluative aspects of the development of the learner. Throughout this article we will be clarifying these aspects and putting alternative pedagogical practices in perspective, as well as the connectivist perspective of knowledge and structuring of learning based on flexibility, formation of support networks, connection of ideas. For that it is necessary to incorporate the pedagogical vision a re-reading of the structuring elements of the learning subjecdt in the knowledge and information society.

Author Biographies

Maria Eliana Lopes de Souza, UNINI/MÉXICO

Graduada em Pedagogia (UFPR), especialista em Pedagogia na empresa e organizações, Educação Especial e Inclusiva, Psicopedagogia,  Neuropsicopedagogia e Altas Habilidades/Superdotação. Mestranda UNINI/MÉXICO. E-mail: licadesdemona@yahoo.com.br.

Olga Aparecida da Silva Martins, UNINI/PORTO RICO

Graduada em Pedagogia (UNISEPE), es´pecialista em Gestão Escolar Integradora, Coordenação Pedagógica e Planejamento, Psicopedagogia Clínica e Institucional, Educação Infantil e Educação Inclusiva. Mestranda UNINI/PORTO RICO. E-mail: Olgamartins80@outlook.com.

Mathaus Natan Moura Duarte, UNINI/MÉXICO

Bacharel em Direito, especialista  em Direito Público, Direito Constitucional e Administrativo, Docência do Ensino Superior  mestrando em Educação UNINI/MÉXICO. E-mail: mathausnatan@gmail.com.

Marilene Rosa da Silva, UNINI/MEXICO

Graduada em Pedagogia (URCA), especialista em Psicopedagogia Clínica e Institucional, (UNIP) em Docência em escola de tempo integral e integrada, metodologia no ensino de tempo integral e integrada, (UFG) Pós  no ensino de História  (Faculdade METROPOLITANA).Educação  especial e inclusiva (Faveni).Graduada em História, pós em  Educação Infantil. (FCE). Mestranda UNINI/MEXICO. E-mail:marilenerosa23@gmail.com.



How to Cite

Souza, M. E. L. de ., Martins, O. A. da S. ., Duarte, M. N. M., & Silva, M. R. da . (2021). HYBRID EDUCATION AND CONNECTIVISM: CHALLENGES IN EDUCATION TODAY. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 7(3), 80–87. https://doi.org/10.51891/rease.v7i3.759