
  • Simone Siqueira de Souza Rocha Creche Municipal Sebastião Tolomeu
  • Carla Aparecida Marcondes Rondon Bueno Creche Municipal Sebastião Tolomeu
  • Marco Antonio Alves Braga Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Cuiabá



Pedagogical Political Project. Cuiabana Education. Democratic Management.


This article aims to understand what the Political Pedagogical Project means as an instrument of school management from the perspective of Escola Cuiabana and its development process for institutional and social transformation. In order to elaborate it, a theoretical research was chosen, given the impossibility of carrying out an empirical research on the subject. Therefore, we sought to build a theoretical framework. In dialogue with different authors who have explored the theme, such as Veiga (1998, 2001), Libâneo (2003), Padilha (2002), Machado e Silva (2019) among others. The analysis was carried out by reflecting, discussing, comparing and aggregating data from the literature on principles, concepts, importance, elaboration, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the Pedagogical Political Project. Through this theoretical research, it was realized that the pedagogical political project must consider the singularities and the participation of all subjects in the school community, emphasizing participation, creativity, freedom of expression, reflective capacity and the dynamics of those involved. It was concluded that the Pedagogical Political Project (PPP), in the context of the Cuiabana School, works with formal knowledge, at the same time as it includes knowledge about the social meaning of Afro-Brazilian and indigenous culture in Cuiabá and the transmission itself. and transition of cultural heritage. The production of knowledge is marked by the history of the place, when cultural practices are produced in local paths in connection or divergence with the global context. In this way, the pedagogical practice is intrinsically related to the historical, regional, political, sociocultural and economic reality, a construction based on the realization of an inventory of the reality of the community and its surroundings. is a fundamental management tool for the transformation of the school, which gives it its own identity, autonomy and favors the aggregation of efforts to effectively fulfill its social function, improving the quality of education based on clear goals for learning, the evaluation of Projects Pedagogical Policy, teachers' self-assessment and school management and institutional assessment for the organization of school routines and assistance in class results.

Author Biographies

Simone Siqueira de Souza Rocha, Creche Municipal Sebastião Tolomeu

Graduada em Pedagogia pelo Centro Universitário de Várzea Grande (UNIVAG), com especialização em Educação Infantil pela Faculdade Mantenense dos Vales Gerais (INTERVALE), atualmente Coordenadora Pedagógica na Creche Municipal Sebastião Tolomeu.

Carla Aparecida Marcondes Rondon Bueno, Creche Municipal Sebastião Tolomeu

Graduada em Pedagogia pelo Centro Universitário Cândido Rondon (UNIRONDON), com especialização em Educação Infantil com ênfase em Educação Especial pela Faculdade de Educação de Tangará da Serra, atualmente Gestora na Creche Municipal Sebastião Tolomeu.

Marco Antonio Alves Braga, Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Cuiabá

Graduado em Pedagogia pelo Instituto Cuiabano de Educação (ICE), Especialista em Interdisciplinaridade pelo IBEPEX, Educação à Distância pelo SENAC, Educação de Jovens e Adultos e Economia Solidária pela UFMT. Professor na Rede Municipal de Ensino de Cuiabá, atualmente Coordenador de Organização Curricular na Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Cuiabá.




How to Cite

Rocha, S. S. de S. ., Bueno, C. A. M. R. ., & Braga, M. A. A. . (2022). THE PEDAGOGICAL POLITICAL PROJECT AS A INSTRUMENT OF SCHOOL MANAGEMENT FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF THE CUIABANA SCHOOL. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 8(10), 4019–4039.