
  • Laísa Caroline Florêncio Amaro Universidade Brasil
  • Jadison Junio Conforte Universidade Brasil



Osseointegration. Prosthetics and Implants. Oral rehabilitation.


Continuous research is causing the concepts related to healing periods in implantology to be continually revised. The widespread placement of post-extraction implants is a relatively recent methodology that has been developed in recent years. The fundamental requirement that led to the birth of this procedure is associated with the desire to shorten treatment times and the need to preserve the alveolar structures that would otherwise be destined to atrophy. Post-extraction dental implants consist of placing the dental implant immediately after performing one or more tooth extractions. The space left by the extracted part is used and the implant is placed, reducing waiting time, medication and the number of interventions with conventional implants. The success rate of this treatment ranges from 95% to 98%. To opt for an immediate implant, the patient must meet all these characteristics: there is no active infectious process; have an ideal and sufficient bone structure for primary implant retention; that there are no active periodontal processes; monitoring the patient who does not suffer from bruxism; that it is not necessary to induce (use) a large amount of bone graft for implant placement. The advantages of post-extraction implants keep the bone and soft tissues without them resorbing or shrinking, the intervention and treatment time are shorter and the extraction favors the healing process and bone regeneration.

Author Biographies

Laísa Caroline Florêncio Amaro, Universidade Brasil

Graduanda do Curso de Odontologia pela Universidade Brasil- E-mail:

Jadison Junio Conforte, Universidade Brasil

Professor orientador do Curso de Odontologia pela Universidade Brasil.



How to Cite

Amaro, L. C. F. ., & Conforte, J. J. . (2022). IMMEDIATE IMPLANT IN FRESH ALVEOLUS. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 8(5), 1209–1230.