
  • Guilherme Cazelli Conde
  • Leonardo Marques Ferreira



Supply. Drinking water. Desalination.


The reduction of reservoirs as a consequence of unconscious use, coupled with the gradual contamination of potable water volumes used by large housing units and drought, makes desalination methodologies and studies increasingly necessary to extinguish or at least mitigate the problem of scarcity.Examples of people in need of this resource are those in distant regions such as Northeast Brazil, where it can be considered a region of low economic development and are more likely to suffer from the lack of this good. Depending on the geographical location and climate of each region, access to consumable water is becoming increasingly rare and difficult, a problem that has plagued the country for centuries in some places, and rulers have failed to come up with viable or truly functional solutions. However, recent studies and projects are all turning to the desalination option, as our country has an extensive coastal area, but this has not always been an option, as Brazil unfortunately is poorly placed in the research race of this technology, unlike Israel, Spain, Japan, the United States, among others that are given as examples of excellence in the results of deployments of these types.That said, this review shows desalination as a solution to the problem of scarcity and different needs that can be met within the scope of this subject, applied as an example of the need to proliferate data, to stimulate our faculties and researchers to advance in the search for new technologies, as well as how to present the correct destination for tailings produced at the end of the process.It can be concluded that this article shows that desalination is the sum of physicochemical processes, with different execution modalities, being some of them: Reverse Osmosis, Electrodialysis and Thermal Distillation, etc., aiming to separate undesirable materials from water. possible to be consumable.Thus, this analysis arises to list some of the possible reasons why both the Brazilian and the international population need desalination and the processes that arose as a result of the attempt to ease these impasses, exposing in this document the most economically viable desalination processes today. to get drinking water.

Author Biographies

Guilherme Cazelli Conde

Engenheiro Civil- SP. E-mail: 

Leonardo Marques Ferreira

Engenheiro Cívil- SP.



How to Cite

Conde, G. C. ., & Ferreira, L. M. . (2022). TECHNICAL ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY TO OBTAIN WATER RESOURCES VIA DESALINATION. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 8(5), 957–988.