
  • Gabriela Maia de Souza



Neuroscience. Corporate Environment. Burnout syndrome.


Organizational neuroscience is dedicated to the study of human behaviors in the work environment. Well-being at work has gained increasing importance considering that when workers are exposed to stressors, they can develop various occupational diseases, among which is Burnout syndrome, resulting from a combination of stressors arising from the social environment, subject's work and personnel. The general objective of this article was to analyze the Burnout syndrome and its impacts on the health of workers in organizations. The following specific objectives were chosen: to discuss traditional and organizational neuroscience; explain the quality of life at work; and research the Burnout syndrome and its impacts on workers' health. Regarding the methodology, the study has a qualitative, descriptive and exploratory approach and was operationalized using the literature review. It was found that in recent decades, research in the field of neuroscience has revealed fundamental insights regarding brain functions, such as memory, thinking and emotions, which have applications in the workplace. It was concluded that applying the knowledge provided by neuroscience about these functions in the daily work can help to manage situations related to operational health, among which is the Burnout Syndrome, a silent disease that affects the individual, generating negative impacts on their lives. physical and mental health. Preventing Burnout Syndrome in organizations can help improve employee performance and productivity, in addition to contributing to a healthy and harmonious work environment.

Author Biography

Gabriela Maia de Souza

Advogada inscrita na OAB e no International Bar Association (IBA). Especialista em Direito Público, Internacional, Tributário, Digital, Penal e Processual Penal, Marítimo, Médico e Hospitalar. LLM em Direito dos Contratos e MBAs Executivos nas Áreas de Negócios Internacionais e Comércio Exterior, Controladoria e Finanças, Gerenciamento Executivo de Projetos, Petróleo e Gás, Gestão de Pessoas e Recursos Humanos, Marketing e Redes Sociais e Gestão Competitiva e Business Intelligence (BI). Pedagoga Especializada em Psicopedagogia, Neurociência e Comunicação em Ambientes Corporativos e Neuropsicopedagogia Institucional, ClínicaeHospitalar. 



How to Cite

Souza, G. M. de . (2022). NEUROSCIENCE AND BURNOUT SYNDROME IN THE CORPORATE ENVIRONMENT. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 8(4), 1066–1090.