
  • Carla dos Santos Morais Colégio Estadual Jalles Machado
  • Claudia Walkiria Faria de Souza Faculdade UNINA
  • Rossatia Byanca Curado de Siqueira FACIB - Faculdades Impactos Brasil
  • Rosilaine Martins Ferreira Faculdades Evangélicas Integradas Cantares de Salomão
  • Rosivania Martins Ferreira Costa Faculdades Evangélicas Integradas Cantares de Salomão



Limits. Education. Child education.


The purpose of this article is to analyze how restrictions and “rules” are given to children in early childhood education. Given the lack of constraints that children have with each other and with their educators, interest in the subject is as observed as the exacerbated authoritarianism, screams and threats from adults. The fact that educators do not provide routines for children and parents do not follow them when they exist, helps children not understand the schedules, behaviors and rules that must exist and that exist in all environments in which we live. Whether traditional theorists or not, everyone agrees that children have better social coexistence when restrictions are presented to them, they understand what attitudes they can have so that they are less biased and develop more consistent and positive critical-social thinking. It is easy to see the difficulty as an educator with this subject, as the number of students and the social and family issues that permeate them also favor some kind of abandonment of the rules. Many seem to prefer to keep children as they are, even claiming that it is not the school's responsibility, saying that education is learned at home. However, this article attempts to confirm that child restraint is the responsibility of every individual, family, school and society. Restrictions are not disciplines, restrictions are rules that make everyone's life easier. Children are the adults of tomorrow and, therefore, it is necessary to invest in them a complete education with scientific and social content.


Author Biographies

Carla dos Santos Morais, Colégio Estadual Jalles Machado

Ensino Médio Técnico em Magistério pelo Colégio Estadual Jalles Machado.

Claudia Walkiria Faria de Souza, Faculdade UNINA

Graduada pela Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso – UFMT, Especialista em Educação Especial e Inclusiva pela Faculdade UNINA,

Rossatia Byanca Curado de Siqueira, FACIB - Faculdades Impactos Brasil

Graduada em Pedagogia pela FIAVEC - Faculdades Integradas de Várzea Grande, Especialista em Educação Especial pela FACIB - Faculdades Impactos Brasil.

Rosilaine Martins Ferreira, Faculdades Evangélicas Integradas Cantares de Salomão

Graduada em Pedagogia Faculdade INVEST de Ciências e Tecnologia, Especialista em Educação Infantil e Séries Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental pela FEICS  - Faculdades Evangélicas Integradas Cantares de Salomão.

Rosivania Martins Ferreira Costa, Faculdades Evangélicas Integradas Cantares de Salomão

Graduada em Pedagogia Faculdade INVEST de Ciências e Tecnologia, Especialista em Educação Infantil e Séries Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental pela FEICS  - Faculdades Evangélicas Integradas Cantares de Salomão.



How to Cite

Morais, C. dos S. ., Souza, C. W. F. de ., Siqueira, R. B. C. de ., Ferreira, R. M. ., & Costa, R. M. F. . (2022). THE IMPORTANCE OF RULES IN CHILD EDUCATION. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 8(3), 2115–2124.