
  • Maria Lenice de Souza
  • Thainara Pereira Martins
  • Nadia Evaneide Correa e Costa
  • Rozana Gomes Barbosa
  • Maiara Deise de Sousa Gomes Almeida
  • Celia Celestino da Silva Reinehr
  • Marinalva Marques de Macedo



Playful. Child education. Teaching. Learning. Musicalization.


This article aims to address and understand the importance of music in Early Childhood Education, as a fundamental tool for the development of children in early childhood education. Justifying the choice of theme, it started from a need raised within the practices of supervised internship I, where some schools do not provide this child with a pleasant teaching methodology, in search of new experiences that provide the construction of the teaching-learning process. When the methodology chosen, it will be divided into two moments, where the first moment refers to the choice of the methodology that was the research of an inductive nature, carrying out the bibliographic research, in electronic magazines specialized in the subject, as in articles and also in journals, in addition to consultation in virtual libraries of large specialized Brazilian universities, together with physical publications present in the academic world. This work will be divided into three parts; at first, it will address the history of early childhood education in Brazil, also attributing the view of the child during the evolution of the historical process of Brazilian early childhood education; the second moment reports the conception of the Ludic in the perspective of some authors, treating the ludic as the main learning tool in Early Childhood Education; through games and games as an auxiliary methodology in the construction of the teaching-learning process; Finally, the third moment reports on the importance of music in early childhood education. A research based on the thinking of some authors such as Aries (1981), Lopes (2005), Kuhlmann (2005), Farias (2005), Rizzo (1997) and Ferreira (2003). In this way, it is concluded that building a quality education helping and recognizing the rights of children in their teaching and learning process, allowing this child to tread new paths in search of new experiences with learning.



How to Cite

Souza, M. L. de ., Martins, T. . P. ., Costa, N. E. C. e ., Barbosa, R. G. ., Almeida, M. D. de S. G. ., Reinehr, C. C. da S. ., & Macedo, M. M. de . (2022). THE IMPORTANCE OF MUSIC IN CHILD EDUCATION. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 8(3), 1594–1611.