
  • Gabrieli Riato de Souza Centro Universitário Integrado
  • Higor Almeida Centro Universitário Integrado
  • Igor Henrique Batista Centro Universitário Integrado
  • Julianna Candido Leite Centro Universitário Integrado
  • Katia Cristina Gomes Centro Universitário Integrado
  •  Lucimara Antonelli Centro Universitário Integrado
  • Matheus Mendes Pascoal Centro Universitário Integrado



Health. Elderly. social isolation. pandemic and COVID-19.


INTRODUCTION: Aging is a change, which is understood as a natural process in the lives of human beings and according to the WHO, therefore this critical moment in which the world is going through is the pandemic caused by the new coronavirus COVID-19 (Sars-Cov -2), affected people from various countries with different age groups, the elderly population was the one with the highest rate of complications and mortality after being contaminated by COVID- 19. Therefore, preventive measures were adopted, aiming mainly at social isolation, which it also had its disadvantages directly affecting the elderly. Isolation not only affected the physical health of the elderly, but also their social and social health, the study aims to assess the state and impacts of the pandemic on the health of the elderly, to take guidance and preventive measures that directly or indirectly affect the health of the elderly and highlight what most affects this population, bring measures that can prevent and improve the quality of life of the elderly in this moment of social isolation. Using means to offer these guidelines and take support in the current moment of the pandemic, using information by means of communication technologies, such as WhatsApp groups via cell phones and radio. BACKGROUND: main motivation to support the present research project, is the importance that the theme has for the current scenario of social isolation of the elderly in the pandemic COVID-19, thus making the topic relevant for the moment. with depressive symptoms due to social isolation increases the urgency in the search for methods that provide feelings of happiness, pleasure and positive affection, essential for the elderly. Taking into account the current fragility in the health scenario, the research emphasizes the importance of the theme for the area In turbulent times in terms of health such as the present, inserting new health habits can act as a catalyst for changes in the lifestyle of these elderly people. Thus guaranteeing a society with a healthier aging both in the physical, as well as cognitive and emotional. OBJECTIVE: To promote an intervention plan for the social well-being and mental health of the elderly through primary care. METHODOLOGY: The article is an integrative review carried out based on research of scientific articles, found on the platforms of the VHL and SCIELO, using Boolean descriptors AND to optimize the search.

Author Biographies

Gabrieli Riato de Souza, Centro Universitário Integrado

Acadêmica de Enfermagem do Centro Universitário Integrado (CEI). 

Higor Almeida, Centro Universitário Integrado

Acadêmico de Enfermagem do Centro Universitário Integrado (CEI). 

Igor Henrique Batista, Centro Universitário Integrado

Acadêmico de Enfermagem do Centro Universitário Integrado (CEI). 

Julianna Candido Leite, Centro Universitário Integrado

Acadêmica de Enfermagem do Centro Universitário Integrado (CEI). 

Katia Cristina Gomes, Centro Universitário Integrado

Acadêmica de Enfermagem do Centro Universitário Integrado (CEI). 

 Lucimara Antonelli, Centro Universitário Integrado

Acadêmico de Enfermagem do Centro Universitário Integrado (CEI). 

Matheus Mendes Pascoal, Centro Universitário Integrado

Graduando em Enfermagem-Centro Universitário Integrado, editor Júnior da Sábios, Membro da LAESM e LADCIST.E-mail:



How to Cite

Souza, G. R. de ., Almeida, H. ., Batista, I. H. ., Leite, J. C. ., Gomes, K. C. ., Antonelli, Lucimara., & Pascoal, M. M. . (2022). MELHORA DA SAÚDE MENTAL ATRAVÉS DO DESENVOLVIMENTO FÍSICO NA FASE GERIÁTRICA EM TEMPOS DE COVID-19. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 8(1), 1029–1035.