
  • Edson Rossi FUNIP
  • Ariane Paola Lima Araujo Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul




Curriculum. Financial Education. Basic Education. Financial Mathematics.


Financial Education, as it will be presented in this work, has an important role in our society, and the school is the essential link between the student and knowledge. It is at the school that experiments between learning and the reality experienced by the student will be carried out. Thus, the present work was designed to present a study on the importance of Financial Education, so that it is justified that this topic can be worked on by teachers throughout the period in which the student is attending basic education. This is a subject that has been raised by several authors, as will be presented in this work. Nowadays, there is still little relevance given to the topic, even though it is recommended by the BNCC – Common National Curriculum Base. To carry out this work, books, documents such as the BNCC itself and other bibliographic sources were consulted that prove the importance of this subject for the education of students and the formation of critical citizens who are better prepared to face the reality outside the classroom. Kliemann, Silva and Dullius (2011) also reinforce that students need to have contact with the learning of Financial Mathematics from an early age in the classroom, and that Financial Education has its real significance recognized in society, and that through the achievement of this knowledge, citizens will become more prudent and aware of reality.

Author Biographies

Edson Rossi, FUNIP

Licenciando em Matemática pelo Instituto Federal do Triângulo Mineiro (IFTM), Especialização em Matemática Financeira e Estatística (FUNIP), Especialização em Engenharia de Segurança Contra Incêndio e Pânico (UCAM) e Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo (UNIUBE).

Ariane Paola Lima Araujo, Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul

Licencianda em Pedagogia pela UNOPAR, Especialização em Gestão Escolar: Administração, Supervisão e Orientação (UCAM), Especialização em Psicopedagogia Institucional (Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul) e Graduação em Psicologia (UNIUBE).



How to Cite

Rossi, E. ., & Araujo, A. P. L. . (2021). A IMPORTÂNCIA DA EDUCAÇÃO FINANCEIRA NO CURRÍCULO DA EDUCAÇÃO BÁSICA. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 7(12), 765–776. https://doi.org/10.51891/rease.v7i12.3498