
  • Wesley Pereira de Freitas Unifacs
  • Bruna Lorena Andrade de Melo Maia Unifacs
  • Elaine Barbosa Menezes Unifacs
  • Gabriel Barbosa Menezes Unifacs
  •  Davi de Oliveira Menezes Unifacs
  • Julio Cesar Ponte Unifacs
  • Leticia Deola Vieira Unifacs
  • Leonardo Deola Vieira Unifacs
  • Maria Emília Bezerra Unifacs
  • Roberto de Barros Silva UNIFACS




Covid-19. Pregnancy. Maternal-fetal. Risks.


: Introduction: pregnancy is the biological process resulting from fertilization between the female egg (oocyte) by sperm, such a phenomenon occurs within the maternal uterus after ejaculation. Aspregnant women are experiencing changes in their bodies, and all this ends up altering the physiological, immunological, and especially cardiopulmonary system, pregnant women end up being susceptible to respiratory and systemic complications resulting from infections by some type of virus, and this is not different for covid-19. Objective: approach through a systematic review of the literature, what are the risks that a fetus may suffer when the pregnant woman presents a picture of Covid-19 infection. Methodology: The methodology used was that described by Laurence Ganong (1987)as a study byIntegrative Literature Review(RIL), with the use of the Virtual Health Library (VHL) where the  Nursing Databases (BDENCE) are indexed; Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE), Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences (LILACS), Bibliographic Index Español en Ciencias de la Salude (IBECS) and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), where it was possible to select the complete describing articles in full the influence of covid-19 in the fetus in gestational period. Results: it was possible to select 300 articles divided into 6 databases of this total only 16 forms selected to obtain the data. Conclusion: Covid-19 infection causes several problems in the gestational health of mothers, can lead to the increase in premature births, spontaneous abortions, respiratory problems in the newborn because they are asymptomatic, making it difficult to diagnose the virus quickly and accurately, increased hospitalization in intensive and semi-intensive care units and increased fetal deaths.

Author Biographies

Wesley Pereira de Freitas, Unifacs

Acadêmico de Medicina, Unifacs - Salvador, BA.

Bruna Lorena Andrade de Melo Maia, Unifacs

Acadêmica de Medicina, Unifacs - Salvador, BA.

Elaine Barbosa Menezes, Unifacs

Acadêmica de Medicina, Unifacs - Salvador, BA.

Gabriel Barbosa Menezes, Unifacs

Acadêmico de Medicina, Unifacs - Salvador, BA.

 Davi de Oliveira Menezes, Unifacs

Acadêmico de Medicina, Unifacs - Salvador, BA.

Julio Cesar Ponte, Unifacs

Acadêmico de Medicina, Unifacs - Salvador, BA.

Leticia Deola Vieira, Unifacs

Acadêmica de Medicina, Unifacs - Salvador, BA.E-mail: leticiadeolavieira@gmail.com

Leonardo Deola Vieira, Unifacs

Acadêmico de Medicina, Unifacs - Salvador BA.

Maria Emília Bezerra, Unifacs

Acadêmica de Medicina, Unifacs - Salvador, BA. E-mail: emilia2.8.bezerra@gmail.com 

Roberto de Barros Silva, UNIFACS

Graduação - Biomedicina (Uniararas - SP) Pós Doutor - Neurofarmacologia (ICB-USP). Doutor - Neurofarmacologia (FCFRP-USP) e pela Medicine School at King's College London, Guys Campus (Inglaterra) Mestre - Patologia Experimental e Farmacologia - (FMRP -USP). Docente do curso de medicina da Universidade de Salvador (UNIFACS). E-mail:  roberto.barros@unifacs.br



How to Cite

Freitas, W. P. de ., Maia, B. L. A. de M. ., Menezes, E. B. ., Menezes, G. B. ., Menezes, DavideO., Ponte, J. C. ., … Silva, R. de B. . (2021). RISKS TO THE FETUS IN PREGNANT WOMEN INFECTED BY COVID-19. Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 7(11), 702–712. https://doi.org/10.51891/rease.v7i11.3100