
  • Willian Vieira da Silva Faculdade de Rio Verde
  • Leonardo Squinello Nogueira Veneziano Faculdade de Rio Verde




Obesity. Physical Education. Healthy Habits. Physical Activity.


In the last 30 years, the prevalence of overweight and obesity has grown alarmingly in children, and one of the main reasons for this increase is sedentary lifestyles. The alarming rates of childhood obesity recorded in Brazil show how important it is to prevent overweight, which makes the school the place considered ideal to perform the necessary interventions, especially through Physical Education, because a good number of obese children or those with tendencies often tend to hide and not participate in daily activities. So that the teacher of physical activities can be the booster of these students, encouraging them to a healthy physical practice. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the importance of school physical education and its contributions to the control of childhood obesity, since physical education classes, due to their wide acceptance, tend to become one of the few possible places for the practice of measures to combat childhood obesity. To achieve this goal, documentary research was used, analyzing existing references that contribute to the discussion on the subject analyzed here. In the end, it can be concluded that Physical Education can be a very effective way to combat childhood obesity, provided that it is planned, bringing them knowledge about the preventive benefits of physical activity in relation to a healthy body and using current methods, where the pleasure of physical activity can be the great exponent of every class taught.

Author Biographies

Willian Vieira da Silva, Faculdade de Rio Verde

Acadêmico do Curso de Fisioterapia da UniBRÁS Faculdade de Rio Verde. E-mail: wilhyansilva@hotmail.com.

Leonardo Squinello Nogueira Veneziano, Faculdade de Rio Verde

Professor Mestre do Curso de Educação Física da UniBRÁS Faculdade de Rio Verde e orientador da pesquisa.



How to Cite

Silva, W. V. da . ., & Veneziano, L. S. N. . (2021). A IMPORTÂNCIA DA EDUCAÇÃO FÍSICA NA VIDA DE CRIANÇAS OBESAS . Revista Ibero-Americana De Humanidades, Ciências E Educação, 7(10), 2404–2421. https://doi.org/10.51891/rease.v7i10.2845